This post is a meticulous and thorough analysis of every word of Dr. Joaquin Navarro-Valls in his April 1, 2010 essay “The Pope and the Pedophilia Scandal” published in La Repubblica in Italy and the Catholic National Register in the United States. This post is humbly dedicated to all the hundreds of thousands of silent victims of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army, we think of you, we remember your sufferings, we pray for you, and we promise you that we will immortalize you in history by building you a monument…many monuments. Your pedophiliac sufferings were condoned and covered-up by John Paul II the Great for over 26+ years. That is his papal story and history has been written and he will not get away with it no matter how many miracles he does from his grave and no matter how speedy his canonization. As the Holy Father of 1.2 billion Catholics, he did not care for you the Catholic altar boys (and girls) sodomized by his JP2 Army. History has proven that John Paul II never tried to protect you from one pedophile priest. Christ is on our side because He counteracts every step of the canonization of John Paul II. John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army expands into Ireland &John Paul is elevated as "Venerable"... only in the Catholic Church are criminals glorified and see John Paul II miraculously cures his German barber of hernia in Rome… as the John Paul II Pedophile Priest Army jolts Germany This post is inspired by our vision of St. Michael the Archangel who tied a gigantic millstone around John Paul II’s neck in his last World Youth Day (WYD) in 2002. Our pro bono mission is to prove that John Paul II must not be called a ‘saint’ in American soil and by American lips especially by American children in deference to their brothers and sisters abused by the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army during his 26+ pontificate. There are 500 members of the Swiss Guard Army at the Vatican; there are 6,000 pedophile priests in the USA alone, not counting those of Ireland, Germany, etc. hence their appropriate identity as the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army 6,000 are 12 times more than the 500 maximum number of the Swiss Guard Army. The innumerable pedophile priests army is named after John Paul II because he had the longest papacy for over 26 years and he condoned and covered them up and history has proven that he did not defend or protect one single victim and he did not remove one single pedophile priest during his reign as the Infallible Pope John Paul II the Great!
And now our mission has extended to Ireland, Germany, and Europe and every country where John Paul II traveled to and covered-up pedophile priests. John Paul II was a callous man who had neither compassion nor compunction for children and survivors abused by pedophile priests. Sure, he momentarily kissed and hugged a few handpicked well-dressed children here and there for photo-op, but that does not constitute his love for them. Mother Teresa could “see Christ” in the non-Christian Hindus homeless in the streets of Calcutta but John Paul II could not “see Christ” in Catholic altar boys sodomized by pedophile priests housed in majestic Catholic churches see John Paul II did not have the charity of Mother Teresa All that John Paul II cared about was his narcissistic legacy as John Paul II the Great through his books, speeches, encyclicals and his achievement as the most traveled pope in history. Well, sadly history has proven him otherwise. John Paul II performed the sacraments well but he had no sense of justice for children and the poor. When it comes to justice, secularism trumps Catholicism. The Sacraments of Penance, Eucharist and Priesthood are worthless in our court houses and justice system Sure, John Paul II ‘forgave’ the man who shot him but ‘Forgiveness’ is a gizmo of injustice to victims of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army. To Vaticanista chiesa.espresso Sandro Magister, Baloney! John Paul II wrote that the Eucharist is the source and summit of the Church but he had no power to re-incarnate God
‘No one goes to the Holy Father except through me’
As part of the Holy Week Vatican defence circus, see Anti-Semitism card & the Vatican defense circus for Benedict XVI the guilty despot of 1.2 billion Catholics the people in denial, when all Cardinals and Bishops defended Benedict XVI, Opus Dei’s most public person, Dr. Joaquin Navarro-Valls, the official press secretary of John Paul II for 26+ years, of course, had to speak up. He was the most powerful man in the papacy of John Paul II, from the beginning of his pontificate to his death, and the election of Cardinal Ratzinger as pope. ‘No one goes to the Holy Father except through me’ was his secret mantra. John Paul II only saw and spoke through one man, Opus Dei Joaquin Navarro-Valls.

Dr. Joaquin Navarro-Valls
Joaquin Navarro-Valls is an Opus Dei numerary which is equivalent to a religious brother (like the Franciscan Brothers and the Christian Brothers) with the three standard vows see St. Josemaria the Opus Dei founder preferred to call them numerary (name for both men and women celibates) instead of traditional “Brothers” because they were akin to a number (numerary), if they stay, they are counted, if they leave Opus Dei, they are like numbers, easy to delete and to forget. These numeraries are housed in multi-million dollar homes and live as rich people do completely served by servants and they eat only with the finest china. See thier palaces in New York and in Boston
On April 1, 2010, on the eve of the 5th anniversary of the death of John Paul II, Opus Dei Dr. Joaquin Navarro-Valls published his defence of Benedict XVI in his essay called “The Pope and the Pedophilia Scandal” in Italy’s La Repubblica, and in the National Catholic Register in the USA (sources say they are secretly owned by Opus Dei).
Crux of Joaquin Navarro-Valls essay: USA pedophile priests persona non grata
Based on Navarro-Valls’ essay (which we analyze in detail and in full below), now, we know why in 1985, when Tom Doyle first went to the Vatican to give to John Paul II his findings of the pedophile priests in New Orleans he was denied papal attention. Now we know why Tom Doyle did not stand a chance of being heard and seen by John Paul II. In fact, because of his scholarly expose on pedophile priests in New Orleans, and his prediction that it would cost the Catholic Church hundreds of millions of dollars in secular lawsuits in the USA, Doyle was fired from his job as Chaplain of the American Navy, one year shy of his (hefty pension) retirement. Opus Dei Joaquin Navarro-Valls now reveals it why in his papal defence essay. To cap it, Opus Dei (as also represented by) through Navarro-Valls deemed Tom Doyle’s numbers of American victims were not that significant enough to merit John Paul II’s consideration and papal deliberation. But in spite of Opus Dei’s denial of Tom Doyle, now it’s history, since Tom Doyle’s 1985 findings, there are officially 6,000 pedophile priests in America and the cost to the American Catholic Church is 3 billion dollars see Petty Cash for “Petty Gossip”: 3 billion dollars paid by American Catholic Church for the crimes of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in USA Strangely enough, (in typical Opus Dei secretive manner on behalf of their secretive intentions for Opus Dei WORLD DOMINATION Agenda the American pedophile priests scandal was not mentioned at all in Navarro-Valls’ papal defence essay, but he scrupulously mentions some American institutions and persons like the US Justice Department, the CNN etc, see his text and our analysis below.
Tom Doyle denied by Opus Dei
Now we know, John Paul II’s personal doorkeeper, a former medical doctor, Opus Dei Joaquin Navarro-Valls says it unequivocally and this is the crux of his essay, this is the official Opus Dei defence principle of The Pope and the Pedophilia Scandal: “The most reliable statistics speak for themselves. It’s certified that 1 in 3 girls have been sexually abused, and that 1 in 5 boys has been subjected to acts of violence.”(See third paragraph) “Now, focusing exclusively on those abusers and singling out one group, such as priests, can be very misleading. In this case, the percentage has fallen to become a minimal phenomenon, statistically” (see fifth paragraph). Now we know why Opus Dei (who controlled the papacy of John Paul II) condoned and covered up the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army for over 26+ years – it was only “a minimal phenomenon, statistically”. We got it from the horse’s mouth.
Tom Doyle’s New Orleans boy victims were not enough; they were not “1 in 5 boys”. Tom Doyle’s American victims were, in Joaquin Navarro-Valls words, “a minimal phenomenon, statistically”. Therefore the same Opus Dei defence principle also applies to our city of Boston; there were only minimal victims of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army, which is why our own criminal-Cardinal Bernard Law was promoted later on by John Paul II as Archpriest of St. Mary Major Basilica in Rome after we forced him to disgracefully resign in Boston. See Cardinal Bernard Law must resign following Irish Clergy Abuse report The Legionaries of Christ condoned by Opus Dei
The same Opus Dei defence principle by Joaquin Navarro-Valls words, “a minimal phenomenon, statistically» applies to the 8 Mexican young seminarian victims of Fr. Marcial Maciel Degollado, founder of the Legionaries of Christ who sent letters to John Paul II in 1978 and 1989 clamouring for his attention to their abuse. Their letters and reports either never arrived on the table of the John Paul II (where he read and wrote tons of books and speeches) or they were simply ignored because, hey, what are 8 ex-seminarians to roughly 69 million population of Mexico. That’s not “1 in 5 boys” ratio. Besides there were more devout members of the Legionaries than those 8 disgruntled ex-members see should shut down – it’s operated by the Legion of Christ whose founder, Fr. Marcial Maciel is member of John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army
Papal communiqué through Navarro-Valls
When all the Cardinals and Bishops around the world were told to condone and cover-up the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army, because it was “a minimal phenomenon, statistically”, it was all through the papal communiqué of Joaquin Navarro-Valls (sent by fax or Vatican mail). And all these were first approved by the Opus Dei Bishop of Rome to achieve the Opus Dei WORLD DOMINATION Plan of their founder, St. Josemaria Escriva see Benedict XVI dance to the mystical June Wedding anniversary of John Paul II and St? Josemaria Opus Dei orchestrated and produced “John Paul II the Great”, all his countless books and speeches and travels were controlled and written by Opus Dei ghost writers. Benedict XVI papacy is now controlled by Opus Dei. It’s logical; he who holds the purse holds the power. It all started when Opus Dei saved the Vatican Bank and hence now is the sole owner and controller of the trillion dollar Vatican Bank see Octopus Dei the John Paul II Millstone And since 1949, members of Opus Dei have been expanding Escriva's Empire in the United States. are right as the original prophets (and receiving threats), that Opus Dei is the most responsible leader of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army because they filtered all of John Paul II’s activities based on their Opus Dei WORLD DOMINATION Agenda Plan. There is the new Vatican Trinity, John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Opus Dei. And now Opus Dei finally reveals why they chose to condone and cover-up of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army for so many decades, there you go, folks, the 12,000 American victims were not “1 in 5” American boy.
Compare the CRIMES and their VICTIMS in AmericaVictims - Attackers - Responsible Leaders
Pearl Harbor - 3,000 victims - 170 planes - Admiral Yamamoto
WTC & 9/11 attacks - 5,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden
USA Priest Pedophilia - 12,000 victims - 6,000 priests - John Paul II & Benedict XVI & Opus Dei, the new Vatican Trinity
Let’s analyze Opus Dei’s Joaquin Navarro-Valls defence of Benedict XVI which reveals the true reasons why Opus Dei condoned and covered-up the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army for more than 26+ years.
Title: The Pope and the Pedophilia Scandal
Note that Opus Dei will never say the words “Pedophile priests” because its official name is “The Priestly Society of the Holy Cross”. To them, the priest is the highest member in the hierarchy of Opus Dei (and the Catholic Church) and no adjective must be added to it except the word “Holy Father”. Navarro-Valls will specify in his article that the Pedophilia scandal can be done by other kinds of people. So he never uses the words “pedophile priests”. Opus Dei will use evasive terms or group of words that do not specify priests as pedophiles such as “sexual abuse”. Navarro-Valls’ title includes “Pedophilia scandal” but it was committed by whom, really? Note that all other Opus Dei secret members who are defenders of the Pope do the same thing, e.g. John Allen Jr of All things Catholic of NCR, Weigel, etc. See John Allen the Pied Piper of Benedict XVI toots “Will Ratzinger's past trump Benedict's present?” paragraph
In the last two weeks, the media has filled the public space with the agonizing reality of criminal cases of pedophilia. The charges have risen gradually in response to a series of revelations coming from several European countries concerning instances of sexual abuse perpetrated against children by priests. To read the news, it even seems this is a huge scoop, and that now, thanks to these ingenious revelations, a rotten undergrowth is emerging in the breast of the Catholic Church.
Navarro-Valls attacks the media
First, Opus Dei attacks the media: “the media has filled the public space with the agonizing reality of criminal cases of pedophilia.” And “thanks to these ingenious revelations, a rotten undergrowth is emerging in the breast of the Catholic Church”. Again,
Opus Dei refuse to say ‘pedophile priests’ so in lieu they say “sexual abuse perpetrated against children by priests”, they use very long elusive phrases.Opus Dei mystery
What is as mysterious as the secretive order as Opus Dei itself is the feminine symbol that Dr. Joaquin Navarro-Valls used for priest pedophiles immediately in his first paragraph. Dr. Joaquin Navarro-Valls defines himself clearly in the third paragraph: “From my experience as a doctor I can highlight some important data useful to understanding the seriousness and the extent of the problem.” It is very bizarre that as a medical doctor he would use a feminine part, “breast”, for his analogy for the worst male-only-priests’ sex scandal to hit the Catholic Church. This analogy confirms the Opus Dei’s treatment of women as second class citizens see Maria Tappia who was a numerary (Opus Dei nun) for over 25 years but St. Josemaria Escriva repeatedly yelled at her as a “whore etc John Paul II and Josemaria Escrivaism and Maria Carmen Tapia female breast to symbolize the all male pedophile priests scandal?
Dr. Joaquin Navarro-Valls is a medical doctor and from a precise statistics which he will cite later that in pedophilia,
“almost all accused pedophiles, 90 percent, are male”-- it is very baffling that Opus Dei’s analogy for the male part of pedophile priests would be a female part --
“a rotten undergrowth is emerging in the breast of the Catholic Church”. This is an elusive and deceptive feminine correlation. Why is Navarro-Valls not clear-cut and precise that it is the pedophile priest’s penis that has been sodomizing and lusting after altar boys? All the pedophile priests are males. It was their
society of priestly penis that sodomized young altar boys.
Opus Dei is officialy called the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross therefore we can safely call the Society of Priestly Penis for the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army!!! Imagine, those priests with all the feel-good theology and sacraments of the Catholic Church were at the same time so perverted they were worse than the entire city of Sodom and Gomorrah see Biggest Vatican stories of the decade: John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army committed Holy ES Eucharist-and-Sodomy of Biblical proportions See ‘Forgiveness’ is a gizmo of injustice to victims of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army. To Vaticanista chiesa.espresso Sandro Magister, Baloney! Joaquin Navarro-Valls is a real former medical doctor as he later toots in his essay, he should have said
“a rotten undergrowth is emerging in the penis of the Catholic Church” (or “a rotten undergrowth is emerging in the prostrate of the Catholic Church”)which would have been medically accurate and more precise. After all the Catholic Church is an all male hierarchy, all priests are only all-male, the Pope and all Bishops and Cardinals are all male. The Vatican is a monopoly of the Opus Dei. The Pope is served and surrounded only by an all-male eunuchs of the Opus Dei See the John Paul II MIllstone
Shakespeare said: The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars. So Dr. Joaquin Navarro-Valls, the fault is not in the breasts but in the penises of pedophile priests. The
rotten undergrowth is emerging in the
penis & prostrate of the Catholic Church If Navarro-Valls intention for using the word “breast” was to refer to “Mother Church” we’ve got news for him. The Opus Dei pray the Rosary everyday and they say the Angelus twice a day but we’ve got news for them –John Paul II betrayed Totus Tuus Marie and the reasons why St. Josemaria had a heart attack upon seeing the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe Opus Dei Pope John Paul II insult Our Lady of Guadalupe causes St. Josemaria Escriva's heart attack paragraph
Certainly, in Austria, Germany and Ireland, but no less in almost all countries where there is a consistent presence of Church schools and educational organizations, there has been the grave criminal phenomenon of violations of the dignity of childhood. That has been noted. Not by chance, during the Via Crucis of 2005, did the then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger not mince his words when he noted with disappointment: “How much filth there is in the Church, and even among those who, in the priesthood, ought to belong entirely to him! How much pride, how much self-complacency!” Perhaps we have forgotten it. But you can without fear of contradiction point out that the problem exists in the Church, is known by the Church, and has been addressed and will be further addressed in future decisions by the Church.
The first sentence of this second paragraph is the most loaded in his article.
Here Navarro-Valls inadvertently gives away Opus Dei’s secret knowledge of the massive secret Vatican archives: “Certainly, in Austria, Germany and Ireland, but no less in almost all countries where there is a consistent presence of Church schools and educational organizations, there has been the grave criminal phenomenon of violations of the dignity of childhood.”
He reveals that priest pedophilia is present in “almost all countries” which means we are just seeing the tip of the iceberg in these (selected) three countries he mentions.
It’s anomalous that he does not mention the country of the United States of America where priest pedophilia first erupted and has been uncovered since 2002. That’s because Navarro-Valls does not want to draw attention to the USA because to the Opus Dei, they want to uphold a “squeaky clean image of the Catholic Church in the USA” where thousands of Opus Dei members hold prestigious benches and careers. Thus he is intentionally deceiving his readers by not mentioning the USA priest pedophilia. Also, to Opus Dei and papal defenders, the USA priest pedophilia is the past and it’s over and done with like the burning of women in the Inquisition, it’s time to move on to a glorious Church with Saint John Paul II the Great. His silent message: The US Church has paid 3 billion dollars to victims and therefore SNAP must simply shut up. See Petty Cash for “Petty Gossip”: 3 billion dollars paid by American Catholic Church for the crimes of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in USA phrase “but no less in almost all countries where there is a consistent presence of Church schools and educational organizations” is pretty scary because priest pedophilia is ‘consistently present’ in “grave criminal phenomenon” proportions in every Church and educational organizations. (This is very chilling fact lurking in the Vatican secret archives).
This first sentence confirms that priest pedophilia is real and popes have known it for decades because it is permeated in all Church schools and educational organizations.
The last sentence confirms the first sentence that the Vatican archive is filled with incalculable files of pedophile priests and their victims. “Perhaps we have forgotten it. But you can without fear of contradiction point out that the problem exists in the Church, is known by the Church, and has been addressed and will be further addressed in future decisions by the Church.” What Navarro-Valls is saying in the first part is true that “the problem exists in the Church, is known by the Church”.
But the second part of his sentence is false, “has been addressed and will be further addressed in future decisions by the Church.” The Church never really addressed the issue, all they did was to cover it up for the Church’s reputation as the Murphy and Ryan Reports have found out.
Navarro-Valls is careful to use the words “grave criminal phenomenon of violations of the dignity of childhood” to mean priest pedophilia. This is in the same vein as John Allen Jr who refers it to as the “sexual abuse crisis”, Geez, exactly committed by whom, aliens from space? See Biggest Vatican stories of the decade: John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army committed Holy ES Eucharist-and-Sodomy of Biblical proportions Navarro-Valls defends Benedict XVI on the Way of the Cross in 2005 which coincides with the Way of the Cross of Benedict XVI in 2010. But so what if Cardinal Ratzinger said those in 2005, they are empty words, crocodile tears, no action. Cardinal Ratzinger now Benedict XVI never silenced a pedophile priest like he did with the Jesuit Jon Sobrino and those hundred good theologians see list in Beware! Benedict XVI-Cardinal Ratzinger and his allies can be violent
Third paragraph
But let’s try, for a moment, to reflect on the manifestation of pedophilia in itself. From my experience as a doctor I can highlight some important data useful to understanding the seriousness and the extent of the problem. The most reliable statistics speak for themselves. It’s certified that 1 in 3 girls have been sexually abused, and that 1 in 5 boys has been subjected to acts of violence. The truly alarming fact has been disclosed not only in scientific publications but even CNN reports that the percentage of respondents, in a representative sample of the population, has sexually molested a child ranges from 1% to 5%. That is a frightening number.
He brags that he is an experienced doctor. But the famous American CNN is the only American organization mentioned here. There is absolutely no mention of SNAP, Bishops Accountability and the 6,000 US pedophile priests who outnumber twelve times the maximum number of the 500 Swiss Guard Army of the Pope at the Vatican.
This is the crux and final Opus Dei’s measure of the significance of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army: “The most reliable statistics speak for themselves. It’s certified that 1 in 3 girls have been sexually abused, and that 1 in 5 boys has been subjected to acts of violence.” Therefore, to Opus Dei, the priest pedophilia is small in statistics. This was reiterated by Cardinal Sodano at Easter Mass when he mentioned that there are 400,000 ‘good’ priests in the world (who may not be pedophiles) see Anti-Semitism card & the Vatican defense circus for Benedict XVI the guilty despot of 1.2 billion Catholics the people in denial Now we know why from (the horse’s mouth) the one and only official spokesman why John Paul II the Great ignored the priest pedophilia for over 26+ years -- the victims of his John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army were not “1 in 5 boys” in the USA, in Ireland, in Germany, etc. – see our introduction above.
Fourth paragraph
The acts of pedophilia are perpetrated by parents or close relatives. Brothers, sisters, mothers, uncles or babysitters are the most common abusers of children. According to the U.S. Justice Department, almost all accused pedophiles, 90 percent, are male. According to Diana Russell, 90% of sexual abuse is committed by people with direct knowledge of the young victims, and remain closed in the familiar ‘conspiracy of silence’. A notable aspect, unfortunately, is that 60% of the cases of violence affected people younger than 12 years, and in most cases abusers are males with blood ties.
This is the segue by Dr. Navarro-Valls. It is not only priests but also other kinds of people, who are pedophiles: parents or close relatives. Brothers, sisters, mothers, uncles or babysitters are the most common abusers of children.
He cites an American institution to support his papal defence, the US Justice Department (now he mentions the USA again, only if it serves his Opus Dei WORLD DOMINATION Agenda purpose) “almost all accused pedophiles, 90 percent, are male”. Priests are males, there is no surprise there.
And “in most cases abusers are males with blood ties”. He is bawling that there are pedophiles who are not “priests” per se.
Here Navarro-Valls is taking our attention away from priests. He is trying to detract the media’s attention on pedophile priests.
See Vatican segue Benedict XVI sex abuse scandals into the Devil, celibacy and role of women. Who’s biting the Vatican bait of deception? paragraph
These statistics show, therefore, a clear and fairly broad practice of sexual violence against children. Taking into account that these figures refer only to those that have been reported, are known or otherwise known, we can easily imagine the dramatic degree of perversion that lurks behind this reality, most common in countries whose cultures do not consider this violence to be an aberrant obscenity. Now, focusing exclusively on those abusers and singling out one group, such as priests, can be very misleading. In this case, the percentage has fallen to become a minimal phenomenon, statistically. Certainly, nothing can take away the emotion and shame that comes from these recent revelations in the Church, even when they refer to events that took place decades ago and perhaps covered by the most grave ‘conspiracies of silence’. We can be certain, beginning with the pastoral letter to Ireland last week, that Benedict XVI will take all measures that are needed to expel the guilty and judge them, based on real crimes committed by those involved.
Navarro-Valls is revealing his knowledge as a medical doctor about pedophilia which he defines as the “sexual violence against children” …” the dramatic degree…”most common in countries whose cultures do not consider this violence to be an aberrant obscenity”. Again, this “dramatic degree” can be found in the secret Vatican archives of hidden pedophilia priests in these countries. If what he says is true, those “in countries whose cultures do not consider this violence to be an aberrant obscenity”, the victims will never come out and reveal themselves unless they have learned from the experience and the revelations in the USA in the past decade.
He then defend the one group of priests as “a minimal phenomenon, statistically” that “took place decades ago and perhaps covered by the most grave ‘conspiracies of silence’.” Since they took place “decades ago” and they are “a minimal phenomenon, statistically” he implies forcefully that they are insignificant.
He acknowledges the ‘wall of silence’ in the Catholic Church as concluded by the Ryan and Murphy Reports of Ireland but he counteracts it by being a pied piper for Benedict XVI when he says: “beginning with the pastoral letter to Ireland last week, that Benedict XVI will take all measures that are needed to expel the guilty and judge them, based on real crimes committed by those involved.”.
No one in the secular media is buying this statement and it contradicts what the victims have interpreted (and thus protested) Benedict XVI’s Pastoral Letter to Ireland. In fact, since that letter was released, more lawsuits have come up against Benedict XVI’s crime against humanity see The French Revolution at the Vatican might start in England with the arrest of Benedict XVI led by the British Dawkins and Hitchens says Benedict XVI will do something “beginning with the pastoral letter to Ireland last week”, this confirms what we have been saying all along that Benedict XVI is only “beginning” to say something about priest pedophilia.
Benedict XVI condemns abuse of children by priests 3 DECADES LATE…Cardinal Ratzinger Pope B16 is a pathological liar Benedict NEVER defended children abused by priests during his lifetime of 82 years – proofs are in the books written by him and about
him analysis of Benedict XVI’s Pastoral letter to Ireland - It is time for the French Revolution at the Vatican: Benedict XVI must resign, Cardinal Bernard Law et al must resign …Shut-down the Vatican paragraph
Let us not, however, fall into the trap of hypocrisy, especially in the form of that recently staged by the New York Times in its report on the case of the Rev. Murphy. There, the author of the article does not evaluate, draw conclusions or give appropriate attention to the fact that the police had received complaints about him and had released him as an innocent man.
Navarro-Valls labels the media and cite the New York Times as an example of “the trap of hypocrisy”. He cites that the “police” found Rev. Murphy an innocent man. Navarro-Valls here is in typical Opus Dei modus operandi of using legal secular outlets (e.g. police, UN report, etc.) whenever it suits their WORLD DOMINATION Agenda. Hence they have Opus Dei lawyers sitting at the Supreme Court benches and in many court houses in the USA and other countries.
Navarro-Valls has the nerve to use the police as part of his defence to mislead us from the facts that ALL Cardinals and Bishops have never sent one pedophile priest to the police. Los Angeles’ Cardinal Mahony protected all his hundreds of pedophile priests from being prosecuted by keeping all their files confidential and out of reach by the court and the police. Our own criminal-Cardinal Bernard Law never sent one pedophile priest to the police; he kept denying they even existed. This is a very revealing aspect of the Opus Dei – they will throw one powerful word here and there to mislead and deceive their readers and the world. See John Paul II and Cardinal Mahony: Masters of Cunning and Deceit, Part 2 in the John Paul II Millstone Seventh paragraph
Which country has made an in-depth study of this grievous phenomenon, also taking clear and explicit preventive measures against the abuses of pedophilia among its citizens, in families or in public schools? What other religion has moved to find, publicly condemn and assume the problem, bringing it to light and explicitly pursuing it? We avoid, first of all, being insincere: namely to focus on the limited number of established cases of pedophilia in the Catholic Church, but without opening our eyes to the tragedy of a childhood violated and abused very often and everywhere, yet without scandal.
In this paragraph, Navarro-Valls reiterates the papal defences made by other Opus Dei members and associates defending the Pope during Holy Week, i.e. Cardinal Sodano, the Cardinals and Bishop, Damian Thompson, Elizabeth Lev, John Allen Jr of All Things Catholic of NCR the American Pied Pier of Benedict XVI the Italian Pied Piper Sandro Magister All these papal defenders said this same thing: that pedophilia is “in families or in public schools” but there’s “the limited number of established cases of pedophilia in the Catholic Church”. Cardinal Sodano at the Easter Mass boldly declared that there are 400,000 ‘good’ priests.
Navarro-Valls also claims that only the Catholic religion has done something about it, “What other religion has moved to find, publicly condemn and assume the problem, bringing it to light and explicitly pursuing it?” The error (deception) in this statement is that it was the Catholic Church’s hierarchy from the Pope down to the Bishops and other priests who aided and abetted and covered-up the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army for decades see Crimen Sollicitationis Who’s responsible & to blame: The Devil or Benedict XVI-Cardinal Ratzinger? Satan as scapegoat for Vatican's chaotic sex scandals Navarro-Valls is not acknowledging (and therefore deceiving us) is that it took the country of USA and its secular lawyers and the laity at large, Bishops Accountability and SNAP “to find, publicly condemn and assume the problem, bringing it to light and explicitly pursuing it.” It was never the Cardinals, Bishops and popes who were in perpetual denial and cover-up.
This paragraph would have been the appropriate place where he could have thanked and acknowledged these major USA groups who defended victims of priest pedophilia but he didn’t. This is typical of Opus Dei to ‘never give credit to your enemies or rivals that would undermine the Opus Dei WORLD DOMINATION Agenda’ (just like they have silenced and put down the Jesuits in every occasion they can). For example, in the official Opus Dei website, at its homepage, there is the map to symbolize OD world domination, and there is a main feature and link to Mother Teresa of Calcutta’s website. For those who have read the original website of Mother Teresa (before she was beatified by JP2), it contained her original letter to the Jesuit Archbishop of Calcutta why she wanted to found her Missionaries of Charity. But her new website, because it is now an Opus Dei main link and feature, has eradicated all her original letters and her original journey with the Jesuits of Calcutta who helped her to start her order from the beginning until today. There is barely a mention of the word “Jesuit”, and yet it is the Jesuits who helped her every step of the way, in her retreats and deliberations, why, when and how to leave the monastery and start a new order. It is the Jesuits who first looked for a house for her first 3 nuns and it was the Jesuit Archbishop of Calcutta who approved and encouraged her order. It is the Jesuits who faithfully give spiritual directions to her nuns and new members and say daily Mass for her convents. The Opus Dei do not have any hands-on involvement with her or her congregation, Opus Dei would never dirty their hands in that kind of work for the poor, so they put her website to deceive their members and readers to appear as if they are for the poor. Opus Dei priests serve Opus Dei members only, except for a few small parishes here and there to solidify their presence and power in a major city. Opus Dei recruit only university-graduates and professionals as new members and their priests and numerary members (equivalent to brothers and nuns) only live in multi-dollars homes see ODAN John Paul II did not have the charity of Mother Teresa of Calcutta this paragraph, what Navarro-Valls does is to segue and subtly denies is that victims of pedophile priests never found justice within the Catholic Church because Cardinals and Bishops refused to hear their complaints; victims had no choice but to go through non-Catholic secular legal routes to find some justice. This confirms that When it comes to justice, secularism trumps Catholicism. Sacraments of Penance, Eucharist & Priesthood are worthless in our justice system
Eight paragraph
If we want to fight sexual crimes against children, at least in our democratic societies, we must avoid dirtying the public consciousness, looking only at the phenomenon where the moral gravity is perhaps even more, but in quantity certainly less. Before judging someone for something, one should have the guts and honesty to recognize that we [in society] are not doing enough, and look to do something similar to what the Pope is doing. Otherwise, it’s better to stop talking about pedophilia and start to discuss the raging phobia unleashed against the Catholic Church. This seems, in fact, to be being done with the meticulous care of an investigation, but unfortunately bad faith is in evidence.
Navarro-Valls gives 3 final propositions and condemns the media
First: “…We must avoid dirtying the public consciousness [about the Catholic Church] where the moral gravity… in quantity certainly less”. Here Navarro-Valls accuses the media and all defenders of victims of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army as “dirtying the public consciousness”. He speaks in typical Opus Dei despotism that there must not be freedom of speech in the Catholic Church and there must be no criticism of the Pope and the Church whatsoever. This “dirtying the public consciousness” is what cost the “silencing” of the Jesuit Jon Sobrino who criticised the papal visit of John Paul II in El Salvador wherein he does nothing for the poor but only uses them as props and backdrop for his campaign as John Paul II the Great. And who arranged all the papal ceremonies and speeches? Navarro-Valls.
Jon Sobrino to the Kingdom: The Martyrs of El Salvador and the Crucified Peoples
Page 141. Important ecclesial events, like a papal visit, are often organized in such a way that they too produce a feeling of unreality. In the Pope’s 1996 visit to El Salvador, it is true that most of the people who attended were poor. But all one could see of their reality was their religious enthusiasm, more or less effectively organized. One didn’t see their poverty, their fears, their discouragement and helplessness, not even their true faith and hope; one didn’t see their reality. As the event was organized, the poor served more as a backdrop than as the reality of the country; in the foreground were minorities that do not represent the reality: the government, legislators and politicians, the rich and powerful, and the Church beside them. The Pope’s visit neither reflected reality nor, to judge from the consequences, had any important effect on it.
On page 140. This applies to the allocutions and homilies of the Pope to the Congregation when he was an "adult-pope’. And that is still a serious problem: humanistas without sarx, factuality without reality (in the world of the poor). To give a few examples: one often gets a feeling of unreality from homilies, documents and messages that do not make central - although they may mention it - the poverty of reality, the injustice and corruption that cause it, and the cover-up that accompanies it. The feeling of unreality comes especially from the lack of commitment to get involved in the conflict, to struggle against injustice and to suffer the consequences. Words, words, words, as J. Comblin calls such messages in the article mentioned above. At another level, one gets the same feeling of unreality from a seminary formation that protects the seminarian from reality; or from the spiritualities and pastoral practices promoted or tolerated by movements that lead the human being into an a-historical transcendence with infantilizing consequences. (From Martyrs of El Salvador. By Jon Sobrino)
It msut pain Navarro-Valls that this book is in circulation even if it is in Opus Dei's Index of Forbidden Books.
Second: Navarro-Valls pontificates that “Before judging someone for something, one should have the guts and honesty to recognize that we [in society] are not doing enough, and look to do something similar to what the Pope is doing.”
Now this is Holy Crap -- “look to do something similar to what the Pope is doing.” This is the most deceptive line in this essay of Joaquin Navarro-Valls, and this is his worst proposition. Benedict XVI is the guilty criminal pope just like Cardinal Bernard Law and Cardinal Mahony and he has said little and has done absolutely nothing to prevent or stop priests for decades in his almighty powers at the Vatican as Prefect of the CDF and right hand man of John Paul II see Benedict XVI is the Hitler-Pope of history Crap! What “rigor”? Due to Pope's rigor, sex abuse victims are rendered justice, writes Italian bishop who is out-of-touch with reality See The French Revolution at the Vatican might start in England with the arrest of Benedict XVI led by British Dawkins and Hitchens Apology is not enough; Benedict XVI & Cardinals and Bishops who covered-them up must spend jail time and pay million$$$ of Euro to victims Catholics can emulate Jews [who hunted down Nazi officers] by hunting down pedophile priests’ officers Benedict XVI & Bishops into the World Court “… it’s better to stop talking about pedophilia and start to discuss the raging phobia unleashed against the Catholic Church… it is bad faith”.
Big Opus Dei condemnation for the media “the raging phobia unleashed against the Catholic Church”.
Perhaps he is right about the “raging phobia” because the media has its guillotine out for the head of Benedict XVI. But thanks to the media, many despots in the world were toppled down because of the secular (not Catholic) media’s exposing their secret evils they do and thus “dirtying the public consciousness”. Now Benedict XVI is the only despot left in the world whose dirty sins have to be exposed.
Navarro-Valls saved his fiercest words for his last paragraph because Opus Dei is now beginning to feel the heat burning beneath the Golden Calf Papal Idols of their most Holy Fathers John Paul II and Benedict XVI which are melting right before the eyes of the whole world to see. The trillion dollars Vatican Bank will not be able to save the JP2 and B16 Golden Calves Papal Idols from melting.
Benedict XVI angers Jewish groups for declaring “Venerable” Pius XII who did nothing during Holocaust… like John Paul II did nothing for clergy abuse Navarro-Valls is preaching to us about “bad faith” let us educate him about what’s real bad faith.
Bad faith in the speedy canonization of Venerable John Paul II the Great see Benedict XVI to beatify John Paul II is “brought to nothing” by St. Paul faith in the Legionaries of Christ see should shut down – it’s operated by the Legion of Christ whose founder, Fr. Marcial Maciel is member of John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army faith in Opus Dei WORLD DOMINATION Agenda of St. Josemaria Escriva odan question canonization =======many names
John Paul II is the first member of the ‘Catholic Hall of Shame', Cardinal Bernard Law is the second member faith to silence the Jesuits who work for the poor Benedict XVI in absentia Jesuit General Congregation 35 is time for the French Revolution at the Vatican: Benedict XVI must resign, Cardinal Bernard Law et al must resign …Shut-down the Vatican Catholics can emulate Jews [who hunted down Nazi officers] by hunting down pedophile priests’ officers Benedict XVI & Bishops into the World Court
Navarro-Valls on the Abuse CrisisUNITED STATES
National Catholic Register
By Edward Pentin
Thursday, April 01, 2010
(Introduction of Navarro-Valls’ article by the translator)
The Holy See press office director under John Paul II, Dr. Joaquin Navarro-Valls, has today criticized the media for “a raging phobia” against the Church over pedophilia while ignoring the problem in the rest of society which he says is widespread.
Writing in the Italian daily La Repubblica, the former medical doctor did not lessen the “grave criminal phenomenon” in the Church, but quoted alarming figures of abuse against children in society in general, adding that to focus only on the Church was “very misleading.”
The current papal spokesman, Father Federico Lombardi, said over the weekend that the recent media attacks “have without doubt caused damage” to the Church but added: “The authority of the Pope and the commitment of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith against sex abuse of minors will come out of this not weakened but strengthened.”
I reproduce Dr. Navarro-Valls’ article in full below (my translation):
The Pope and the Pedophile Scandal
Our Analysis
The National Catholic Register is owned and operated by the Opus Dei, secretly. The 3 paragraph introduction by the translator also shows the avoidance of the word “priest pedophiles” when he carefully says “the Church over pedophilia”.
His second paragraph, he emphasises that Dr. Joaquin Navarro-Valls was a “former medical doctor” to prove that he is is highly educated and he knows the statistics of what he is talking about.
The third paragraph, he mentions that the current papal spokesman, Father Federico Lombardi, said “authority of the Pope… will come out of this not weakened but strengthened”. Again, “pedophile priests” is not said but rather “against sex abuse of minors”. This is the Opus Dei writer signature.
See Penance is not justice; penitence is inequality to the lifetime suffering of victims of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army to the hundreds of thousands of victims of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army