Pedophile Priests mock and riducule the Birth of Christ

As the Opus Dei clones of John Paul II, all Pedophile-Priests mock the Birth of Christ by claiming magic power of the Eucharist to be able change instantaneously the bread into the flesh of Christ -- thus overpowering the birth of Christ -- and the 9 months pregnancy of Mary.
Benedict XVI and the Opus Dei priests eternally mocks the Birth of Christ and Mary by claiming supowers in the Catholic Church, thus their demise is inevitable as predicted by the Third Secret of Fatima.

He has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.
He has put down the mighty from their thrones, and exalted those of low degree
One of those "mighty and proud" that God will soon scatter is John Paul II (together with his proud Marquis de Peralta.) It is only a matter of God's timing when Christ will turn the Vatican like the Temple of Solomon into rubbles because of the John Paul II Altar of Sodomy. Benedict XVI, his papal clone has just touched the first domino that will make the Vatican fall like a deck of cards domino effect.
Posted in honor of the feast of the Immaculate Conception and Christmas.
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