Friday, April 08, 2011

Opus Dei Patron Saint of Pedophiles, Pederasts and Rapists : Prayer to Saint John Paul II = Opus Dei Pope #1.... Benedict XVI is Opus Dei Pope #2

Updated May 1, 2011 Beatification of John Paul II

O Lord, Thou hast given us the opportunity to enjoy the fresh flesh of children, we pray you to grant us the grace of power, thanks to you, to continue to enjoy the infinite pleasure coming from the vice and rape of young innocent boys and girls - the grace to taste the real fruit of the tree of life - because everything will be to serve you since the body and the word of God are not enough to fill us, and we pray to you to ensure that we are protected by the power of the Vatican. We ask this through Saint John Paul II the Great. Amen.

Please read the complete article in our sister weblog the John Paul II Millstone: Prayer to John Paul II: the saint of pedophiles and pederasts, rapists and abusers of children

Read also our latest articles in the John Paul II Millstone

9/11 victims 5,000. JP2 Army 100,000s. May Day: both Hitler and bin Laden Announced Dead on May 1 on John Paul II Beatification Day B-Day That the fate of these two worst leaders - Osama bin Laden and John Paul II - who led two of the most notorious crimes in the latter part of the 20th and early part of the 21st century, would coincide on the same day can only be attributed and planned by a Higher Power. The NY Daily News headline was “Osama Bin Laden, Adolf Hitler both declared dead on May 1”. John Paul II share the same anniversary with the two worst criminals and leaders on earth! Even the Vatican could not see that coming as they planned the B-DAY Beatification Day of JP2. Read full article here

Compare the CRIMES and their VICTIMS in America

Victims - Attackers - Responsible Leaders

Pearl Harbor - 3,000 victims - 170 planes - Admiral Yamamoto

WTC & 9/11 attacks - 3000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden

USA Priest Pedophilia - 15,736 victims victims - 6,100 priests - John Paul II & Benedict XVI & Opus Dei, the new Vatican Trinity

Opus Dei controlled the 27 years papacy of John Paul II and is therefore the foremost guilty party who aided and abetted and covered-up the John Paul II Pedophiles Rapists-Priests Army

Heil Satanas JP2 Patron Saint of Pedophiles, Pederasts Rapists-Priests! John Paul II is the same yesterday and today-- he cannot protect children

John Paul smelled Devil`s Bowels as roses for 27 years as he deified Father Marcial Maciel and deified Cardinal Bernard Law

Top Worst Sins and Crimes of Popes in History

Cardinals petitioned for JP2 fast track the same way Cardinals and Bishops petitioned for St. Josemaria Escriva canonization under financial duress

The narcissism and grandiosity of John Paul II, Cardinal Bernard Law, Benedict XVI, and Bishop Roger Vangheluwe are nauseating and despicable

John Paul II 4 million,Ayatollah Khomeini 9 million people at funeral! Cardinal Pell, fanatics cannot beatify the Pope of Pedophiles and Pederasts Ecerpt:

The John Paul II earthquake faults is being felt as far away as the Land Down Under in Australia where a retired priest listed a litany of JP2 faults before the beatification of John Paul II in Rome where 1 million of fanatic Catholics are expected to attend. 4 million fanatic Catholics attended JP2 funeral in 2005 where they chanted and held giant strategic banners of Santo Subito. Father Eric Hodgens who wrote the scathing JP2 article in the quarterly magazine of the National Council of Priests of Australia is a retired old priest which means he is not one of those young Catholic fanatics “WYD JP2 Generation” who go around the world every two or 3 years chanting “JP2 we love you”. Father Hodgens wrote that John Paul II had a "lust for power . . . taken to monumental proportions." Read the rest of the article here

Opus Dei origin of "the Great" John Paul II. Opus Dei tentacles in USA, Chile, Nicaragua, Philippines, Cuba, and others

Navarro-Valls in New York Times interview: A psychiatrist with a penchant for media manipulation. Two open letters sent to Dr. Joaquin Navarro-Valls

Why John Paul II is Opus Dei's Patron Saint: analysis of conference at Holy Cross Pontifical University in Rome

ODAN Letter to Pope JP2 to protest Josemaria Escriva canonization. Facts and Irregularities of Escriva's canonization

Holy Heist! John Paul II WYD had no role with Arab youths who liberated Egypt from Mubarak who stole then deposited billions into Vatican Swiss Banks

Opus Dei response to Priestly Sex Scandal in 2002 and they are still saying the same things today....

Self-flagellation of John Paul II: the Opus Dei Connection

Cardinal Bernard Law is an Opus Dei member. Law met Opus Dei while a student at Harvard in the 1950s….... Archbishop William Levada's Hidden Record


Read our sister weblog Benedict XVI: God's Rottweiler

Letter to Benedict XVI: STOP the beatification of John Paul II. Letter from a survivor - with the courage and stance of Martin Luther

Opus Dei Pope Benedict XVI promoter of false Saint John Paul II = the antiChrist is the promoter of the falseChrist


French prayer

Saint Jean Paul II le saint des pédophiles et pédérastes.

Ô Seigneur, Toi qui nous as donné l’opportunité de jouir de la chair fraîche des enfants, nous te prions de nous accorder la grâce de pouvoir, grâce à toi, continuer à goûter ce plaisir infini que procurent le vice et le viol des jeunes garçons et des fillettes innocentes — la grâce de goûter au véritable fruit de l’arbre de vie —, car tout sera pour te servir puisque le corps et la parole de Dieu ne suffisent pas à nous combler, et nous te prions de veiller à ce que nous soyons protégés par le pouvoir du Vatican, par saint Jean-Paul II le grand. Ainsi soit-il. Amen

Spanish prayer

Juan Pablo II: El santo de los pedófilos y los pederastas

Oh Señor que nos diste la oportunidad de disfrutar de la carne fresca de los niños, te rogamos que por vuestro conducto nos permitas continuar con el goce infinito que proporciona el vicio y el placer de violar niños y niñas inocentes -la gracia de comer del verdadero árbol de la vida-, que todo se hará para serviros, pues nunca nos alcanzamos a saciar con el cuerpo y la palabra de Dios, y que siempre seamos protegidos por la potestad del Vaticano, por santo Juan Pablo II el grande. Que así sea. Amén

Send you names and join the worldwide signatories protest against the beatification of John Paul II

Watch the Videos of Sinead O'Connor, John Paul II and Pinochet, the role the Vatican played in the escape of Nazi war criminals

Read more articles in our sister weblog John Paul II Millstone

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Join worldwide protest against John Paul II beaitification. Chile's pedophile priests with little girls and boys

Updated April 19, 2011

Read the complete letter to Benedict XVI and sign your names here

Faces of Rapists-Priests: from Father Marcial Maciel covered-up by John Paul II and the Eucharist. JOIN Signatories` protest against JP2 beatification


On the eve of John Paul II's beatification in Rome, the John Paul II Pedophiles Rapists-Priests Army is exploding in Chile confirming the evil legacy of John Paul II who did nothing to protect and save children during his 27 years papacy. In life he did nothing for children and in death he shall do nothing for them either.

Updated April 19, 2011

Chile’s Roman Catholic Church Apologizes To Sexual Abuse Victims

Written by Ignacio Gallegos
Monday, 11 April 2011 06:12

Bishops release group apology and announce new protocol to deal with child-abuse cases, while prosecutor in Karadima case investigates irregular payments to El Bosque employees

The Synod of Chilean bishops offered their apologies to the victims of sexual abuses by church officials last week with the release of a document entitled “Message from the Bishops to Catholics and to the People of Chile.”

The 32 bishops approved the release of the message last Thursday, which admits the mistakes made by the Church with regard to child abuse accusations.

“We acknowledge that we have not always reacted swiftly and efficiently to the accusations,” the document reads. “We extend our apology to all the Church community for the bad example given by some of its ministers.”

While Mons. Ricardo Ezzati, Archbishop of Santiago, offered his apologies weeks ago, this is the first time that Chile's Catholic Church offers a collective apology to the victims.

The Synod also announced changes to its 2003 protocol for dealing with sex abuse cases. The protocol, so far only known to bishops, will be made public before Easter, as it is now under evaluation by lawyers and canonists to ensure it is in line with Chilean and Vatican legislation.

Moreover, the Church will create a body within the Synod to establish policies of prevention and help to the victims. This entity will also be in charge of training parish authorities to respond to signs of abuse to minors.

The message follows a letter sent by four bishops who were apprentices of Karadima, in which they acknowledged the prelate’s guilt and addressed those affected as “victims”, instead of “accusers”, as they has alleged before.

Meanwhile, Judge Jéssica González, who is leading the investigation on Fr. Fernando Karadima, is reportedly gathering information on payments received by the prelate's employees in his parish in Santiago’s upscale El Bosque neighborhood. The judge reportedly wants to learn if “hush” money was paid out by Karadima to silence victims.

González has also requested access to the information gathered by prosecutor Xavier Armendáriz, who began the first investigation in late 2010, before the case was closed.

According to court sources, over $126,000 were reported to have been given to four church employees. The payments are detailed in a document that Investigative Police (PDI), gave prosecutor González.

The prosecutor’s document includes testimonies from over 30 witnesses, among them El Bosque's accountant María José Riesco, who is said to have received $27,000 from Karadima. In her testimony, Riesco denies that the money was intended to buy her silence.

By Ignacio Gallegos ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it )


Seized Documents Reveal Priest’s Abuse Victims

Santiago Times

by Phil Locker
Monday, 18 April 2011

Light shed on Karadima case as judge has police raid lawyer’s office; former Archbishop Errázuriz agrees to testify to judge

Santiago judge Jéssica González late last week ordered plainclothes policemen to raid the office of Juan Pablo Bulnes, the defense attorney for Father Fernando Karadima, the upscale Catholic Church priest accused of sex abuse.

Bulnes defended Karadima during the Vatican’s investigation into Karadima’s misbehavior, but refused to hand over Vatican documents revealing the victims’ identities. The Vatican in February ruled that Karadima was guilty of abusing two minors, prompting Chile’s judiciary to reopen its own criminal investigation into the Karadima case.

The police confiscated Vatican documents in Bulnes’ office relating to the Church’s investigation into Karadima’s behavior, prompting concerns by the Church that Judge González had overstepped the bounds that normally separate Church and civilian court proceedings.


Chilean Media on Catholic Church Scandals

Inside Costa Rica

Santiago de Chile - Notorious cases of child sex abuse within the Catholic Church have captured the attention of the media in Chile, where more than 70 percent of the population professes that religion.

Chile is going through an unprecedented phenomenon: an uprising by the Catholic laity. Also, non-catholic Chileans who have appreciated the church's humanitarian actions are disappointed and angry, El Mostrador newspaper quoted theologian Jorge Costadoat as saying.

The crisis has reached a point of no return. The Chilean Church will never be the same, Costadoat said.


Chilean Police Seize Vatican Documents on Priest Abuse Case

Hispanically Speaking News

Files on the abuse case of Chilean priest, Fr. Fernando Karadima, have been seized by police after the Catholic Church refused to turn their files over on the case.

Fr. Karadima was found guilty of sexual abuse by the Vatican and ordered to retire from the priesthood with punishment being a life of prayer and penance. The civil case on the matter was going nowhere until the Vatican’s case concluded.

The Archdiocese of Santiago and Vatican refused to turn over files when local officials requested them claiming the Vatican to be a sovereign state not subject to Chilean law. Police seized them from the offices of Karadima’s attorney.

Pope of Pederasts and Opus Dei

Read our latest post in our sister weblog the John Paul II Millstone
John Paul II, Patron of Pederasts and Opus Dei – analysis of Joaquin Navarro-Valls’ reasons for JP2 beatification at Opus Dei conference in Rome

The FACE of Opus Dei is John Paul II and their (Phantom) Spirit is St. Josemaria Escriva, their founder. Opus Dei controlled the 27 years papacy of John Paul Ii and they must now finalize it with his beatification and canonization. Now they are coming out in full view to the world to show their Opus Dei powers and WORLD DOMINATION Agenda at the beatification of John Paul II where they will reveal themselves in the most majestic way possible. To prepare for that event, on April 1, 2011, exactly on the eve (like midnight mass on December 24 is the eve of Christmas) of the anniversary (6th) of John Paul’s death (in 2005) and one month before his beatification, they held a conference at the Opus Dei Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome to tell the world why John Paul II was a saint in his lifetime as pope - and therefore must be a saint now - through the speeches of Opus Dei Cardinal Angelo Amato, prefect of the Congregation for Saints' Causes and Joaquin Navarro-Valls, who served as Vatican spokesman for Pope John Paul II. Below, we analyze their very superficial reasons (their words are in italics). We start with an analysis of the pathetic reasons of Joaquin Navarro-Valls, the Opus Dei personal secretary of John Paul II for 27 years whose controlling motto was imitated from Christ: “No one goes to Holy Father John Paul II - except through me.” Opus Dei controlled the entire 27 years papacy of John Paul II and therefore must control and finalize his beatification and canonization (as they have planned when JP2 was alive). Opus Dei is wasting no time because they don’t want to take any chances from future elected popes so before he dies Benedict XVI must beatify and canonize John Paul II. In all Opus Dei chapels, there is only one image on their wall, that of their founder St. Josemaria Escriva and now they’ve added Blessed John Paul II. Opus Dei do not pray to other saints such as the Carmelites or Jesuits or Franciscans saints. Opus Dei pray only to their own species…because they consider themselves as the ‘superior race’.

Read the complete article here

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