Thursday, August 26, 2010

900 Catholic sex abuse victims come forward in the Netherlands

The John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army is expanding in the Netherlands. 900 cases have now been reported to authorities.

If this expansion of the most heinous crimes against Catholic children by the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army does not convince the 1.1 billion Catholics NOT to call John Paul II a saint -- then it is a doomed religion anticipating its own quick demise as predicted by the Third Secret of Fatima.

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900 Catholic sex abuse victims come forward
Published on : 25 August 2010 - 11:16am | By RNW Africa Desk (Photo: ANP)

More than 900 victims of sexual abuse in the Roman Catholic Church in the Netherlands have so far reported their cases to the enquiry headed by former cabinet minister Wim Deetman.

Some perpetrators have also confessed, Mr Deetman told Dutch daily de Volkskrant, although he has not yet had contact with them. However, most of the abuses took place so long ago they will no longer be liable to prosecution. Mr Deetman called on other abusers to come forward to try to make up for the harm they have caused.

The Christian Democrat statesman, appointed by the Catholic Church in May to head the enquiry into the sex abuse scandal, says that not all the victims are interested in receiving financial compensation. “There are victims who only want to tell their story and have it investigated. There are many people who want help and guidance,” he said.

Two or three large meetings with victims are to be held in the coming months, Mr Deetman said, stressing that the enquiry would be listening to the victims, not merely providing information. The enquiry also plans to establish an alternative channel to provide support for victims that is independent of the church’s own institute to investigate the abuse, Hulp & Recht (Help & Justice). “Many victims have no confidence in Hulp & Recht,” he observed.

Mr Deetman said he was shocked that the extent of the abuse in the church should have remained hidden for so long, and to receive e-mails from victims in their sixties saying it was the first time they had told anyone about their experiences.

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