Updated April 16, 2011

Eric Dejaeger is now facing nine charges, including two new sex-related charges as well as one count of failure to appear in court. - Jeanne Gagnon/NNSL photo

Fr. Eric handcuffed by RCMP in Iqaluit
Priests don't use violence, usually. They've got the shackles of tradition and dogma to hold their victims down for them.And of course the real crime here is that
these monsters in dog collars were dumped on the native peoples of Canada to rip their way through several generations, and
there is no sign of remorse for that from the Vatican. (See
From Nunavut to Lourdes article below)

Photo d'Eric De Jaeger provenant du site internet d'Interpol.
Rev. Eric Dejaeger, right, is escorted by an RCMP officer out of the Iqaluit courthouse on Thursday afternoon. He remains in custody at least until Monday, when a bail hearing is scheduled. (CBC)

Photo d'Eric De Jaeger provenant du site internet d'Interpol.
Interpol has issued a red notice against Father Eric Dejaeger. He was convicted of pedophilia in Canada and given a prison sentence. The Oblate Fathers in Blanden kept him hidden for a decade or he would have served the sentence in Canada.
Father Dejaeger moved to Canada in the 1970s to live on Igloolik island in the desolate north.
In April 1990, he was sentenced to five years in prison for rape of eight children, including boys and girls.
He spent a few months in prison and was paroled. He immediately began re-offending. Nine new charges were placed against him.
The Oblate Fathers in Flanders did not reveal his whereabouts to his parole officer and he was able to flee Canada.
A red notice from Interpol is not the same as an international arrest warrant. It mean that anyone who knows his whereabouts should contact police.
Interpol has issued a reason notice against father Eric Dejaeger. The Flemish clergyman was condemned in Canada because of pedofilie and must there an imprisonment sit out. The priests oblaten in Blanden hold him however for ten year hidden because he are severely already would have sat out in Canada. The from Roeselare originating father Eric Dejaeger unpleasant Canada turned there in the years seventy on the island Igloolik, in the inclement north, Inuit till the christianity to convert. On 5 April 1990 became he condemned until five year cell for the rape of eight children, as well boys as girls, writes the paper De Tomorrow.
The man remained only single months in the prison, and after its early release he began at the same time to recidiveren. In the beginning of 1995 bow became new charges against him uttered and to must layman the priest inevitably back to the prison. The provincial oversten of the Priests Oblaten in Flanders saw to there however for that he outside knowledge of its watchword officer Canada wanted to flee.
Canadian nationality
In 2001 verpreidde Interpol all a first locations message against Dejaeger, when with a warning accompanied: "Person may be dangerous." Dejaeger chose end of years seventy furrow the Canadian nationality and thus perfectly can be handed over would request as a Canada about that. A reason notice by Interpol is not the same as an international apprehensions mandate. It is the intention that men, that the sought person (here) know, contact take up with the police, so that that further can consult with the competent services in Brussels and Ottawa.
The Louvain public prosecutor is on the height of the affair and examines or can enter it into the question till decrepit ring of the Canadian authorities. Besides becomes bill held with the fact that Dejaeger as well the Canadian as the Belgian nationality has. That its condemnation all of 1990 dates, plays also with, according to public prosecutor spokesman Patrick Vits.
Un prêtre flamand sur la liste d'InterpolInterpol a émis une notification rouge contre le Père Eric Dejaeger. Le prêtre flamand a été condamné au Canada pour pédophilie et doit y purger une peine de prison. Les pères Oblaten de Blanden le cachent depuis 10 ans car il aurait déjà dû purger sa peine au Canada, écrit mardi De Morgen.
Eric Dejaeger, originaire de Roulers, était parti dans les années 1970 au Canada afin de convertir au christianisme des Inuits sur l'île Igloolik, dans le nord du pays. Il a été condamné le 5 avril 1990 à cinq ans de prison pour le viol de huit enfants, des filles et des garçons.
L'homme a passé seulement quelques mois en prison et immédiatement après sa libération conditionnelle, il a récidivé. Neuf nouvelles plaintes ont été déposées contre lui début 1995 et le Père semblait irrémédiablement devoir retourner en prison. Les pères provinciaux des Pères Oblaten en Flandre ont fait en sorte qu'il puisse fuir le Canada.
En 2001, Interpol a déjà diffusé un premier avis de recherche contre Eric Dejaeger, avec la mention "Person may be dangerous." Le Père avait opté fin des années 1970 pour la nationalité canadienne de sorte qu'il pourrait être extradé au Canada si ce dernier le demandait.
Une notification rouge d'Interpol ne correspond pas à un mandat d'arrêt international. L'objectif est que les personnes qui (re)connaissent la personne recherchée prennent contact avec la police, de sorte que celle-ci puisse consulter les services compétents à Bruxelles et à Ottawa. (belga)
13/07/10 07h31
* Lire aussi: Le père Dejaeger extradé vers le Canada?
* Lire aussi: "Le dossier Joseph C. a été classé"
* Lire aussi: Un texte plus dur sur la pédophilie bientôt publié
* Lire aussi: Mgr De Kesel succède à l'évêque Vangheluwe à Bruges
Runaway Oblate priest appears in Nunavut court
Nunatsiaq Online
Fugitive priest Eric Dejaeger returned to Nunavut to face justice Jan. 20 for the first time since fleeing prosecution for child sex charges in 1995.
Dejaeger faces six child sexual abuse charges dating back to his time as an Oblate missionary in Igloolik in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
Dejaeger appeared before a Justice of the Peace in an Iqaluit courtroom reluctantly, initially refusing to leave cells at the Iqaluit courthouse.
Fugitive priest arrives in IqaluitCANADA
CBC News
A Roman Catholic priest accused of sex crimes against children in Nunavut has arrived in Iqualuit following a stopover in Montreal from Belgium.
Rev. Eric Dejaeger, 63, who is a Canadian citizen, arrived on a commercial flight at 1 p.m. ET Thursday.
RCMP officers accompanied him from the plane into a police truck that took him to the local courthouse for a hearing with a justice of the peace.
Dejaeger was put on Interpol's list of wanted fugitives when the Nunavut Court of Justice issued an arrest warrant in 2002 on six charges involving children in Igloolik, a remote Inuit community in the territory.
Bail hearing on Monday
Dejaeger faces three counts of indecent assault on a male and three counts of buggery, in relation to alleged incidents between 1978 and 1982 in Igloolik, where he had served as a missionary.
His lawyer, Mandy Sammurtok, told the court on Thursday that her client did not want to enter the courtroom. But after some discussion with the Crown, Dejaeger was ordered to appear.
Dejaeger, who did not speak in court, sported a white beard and looked older than he appeared in photographs Interpol had posted on its list of wanted fugitives. He was not wearing shoes.
Sammurtok asked that the case be adjourned until Monday, when a bail hearing will take place. Dejaeger remains in custody in Iqaluit in the meantime.
"We're very glad that this case has finally come back to Nunavut, and that we'll be able to provide closure to both our investigators and the people in Igloolik that were the victims of his crimes," Nunavut RCMP Supt. Howard Eaton told reporters at the Iqaluit detachment.
Fled to Belgium
Dejaeger pleaded guilty in 1990 to nine counts of sex crimes against boys and girls in Baker Lake, another community in Nunavut, and was sentenced to five years in prison.
But by the time the Igloolik charges were issued in 2002, Dejaeger was living freely in Belgium, his country of birth.
According to Belgian media, Dejaeger was living in an Oblate monastery and worked in the Catholic pilgrimage site of Lourdes, France, where he received Flemish pilgrims.
Belgian authorities detained Dejaeger earlier this month for overstaying his legal residency in that country. According to government officials there, the priest gave up his Belgian citizenship when he became a Canadian citizen in 1977.
Dejaeger was put on a plane from Brussels to Montreal on Wednesday.
From Nunavut to Lourdeshttp://scienceblogs.com/pharyngula/2010/10/from_nunavut_to_lourdes.php
Category: Evil • Religion
Posted on: October 4, 2010 10:51 AM, by PZ Myers
Eric Dejaeger is a Catholic priest and pedophile who benefited greatly from church policy: when it was learned that he was a child-raping monster, the Catholic Church did the upright, moral thing and kept him on as a priest, but simply shipped him off to the Canadian north where he'd only be raping the Inuit. When the law caught up with him even in that remote place, he fled…and guess where he found shelter and employment? Back in the arms of Mother Church, of course.
The Belgian-born priest, who became a Canadian citizen in 1977, is wanted for three counts of indecent assault on a male and three counts of buggery for incidents involving minors and alleged to have occurred between 1978 and 1982 in Igloolik. These charges were laid after he completed a five-year sentence in April of 1995 (a penitentiary stint, a halfway house then probation) for abusing children in Baker Lake, then part of the Northwest Territories, now part of Nunavut. Dejaeger left Canada before his first court date in June of 1995 and a bench warrant was issued for his arrest.
Six years later, the Interpol red alert was circulated. Nine years after that, in May of this year, Belgian journalist Douglas De Coninck published an article detailing Dejaeger's life on the lam. The priest worked with pilgrims in Lourdes and participated in masses. A member of the Oblate Order of Mary Immaculate, he was living at the order's villa in Blanden. Several months after the article appeared, Dejaeger voluntarily turned himself in at the Leuven police station.
Unfortunately, the Belgian police just turned him loose again, stating that there was no extradition order from Canada. He's on the run again. Given his history, I can guess where we'll find him: turn over a few churches, and he'll be found nestling amongst the friendly priests.
But let's not just blame religion! There's also another nasty story here, of secular authorities turning a blind eye to his activities. He'd been brought before a Canadian judge who didn't seem to think Dejaeger was such a bad fellow.
Oddly, Justice Ted Richard of the Northwest Territories Supreme Court wrote in his sentence decision that Dejaeger was not a pedophile even though "it does not appear that he stopped this activity on his own but only when he was caught." It's unclear how he was caught.
Dejaeger admitted to, among other sexual acts, having anal intercourse with boys and digital vaginal penetration with girls. Yet Richard seemed to praise the priest's restraint:
"Because of the age of the victims of these assaults, consent is not an issue or a factor to be considered. However, it should be noted in fairness to the offender here that no violence was used in committing these assaults," Richard wrote 20 years ago.
Priests don't use violence, usually. They've got the shackles of tradition and dogma to hold their victims down for them.And of course the real crime here is that these monsters in dog collars were dumped on the native peoples of Canada to rip their way through several generations, and
there is no sign of remorse for that from the Vatican.=====
New charges against priest in Nunavut include bestialityThe Canadian Press
Fri Apr 15 2011
IQALUIT, NUNAVUT Charges against a priest already facing numerous sex abuse charges against Inuit children now have a count of bestiality added to the charges.
Court documents say the charge, one of five new ones laid this week against Eric Dejaeger, allegedly involved a dog.
The new accusations bring to 28 the number of charges against Dejaeger.
Almost all the counts are sex offences allegedly committed against boys and girls in the remote Nunavut community of Igloolik between 1979 and 1982.
Dejaeger, who was expelled from Belgium earlier this year on immigration violations, is being held in custody awaiting bail in Iqaluit.
He received a five-year sentence in 1990 after pleading guilty to nine counts of sex crimes against boys and girls in Baker Lake in the 1980s.
Read our related article in our sister weblog the John Paul II Millstone
Bill Donohue-Catholic League ad in New York Times is a brilliant strategy before the beatification of John Paul II
http://jp2m.blogspot.com/2011/04/bill-donohue-catholic-league-ad-in-new.htmlJohn Paul II 4 million,Ayatollah Khomeini 9 million people at funeral! Cardinal Pell, fanatics cannot beatify the Pope of Pedophiles and Pederasts