Wednesday, October 28, 2009

John Paul II Pedophile Priest in Haiti

The legacy of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army is brewing hot all over the world. The Opus Dei thought they covered-up this most heinous crime in church history but their tactics were fallible and wrong. The Opus Dei cotnrolled the 26 years papacy of John Paul II and therefore they were responsible for the cover-up of these pedophile priests. The Opus Dei are so obssessed with the WORLD DOMINATION AGENDA of St. Josemaria Escriva that to them children who are not rich mean nothing.

Ex-Windsor priest arrested for sex abuse in Haiti

By CBC News,, Updated: October 22, 2009

A former Windsor priest has been arrested in the Dominican Republic and faces charges of sexually assaulting teenage boys in Haiti, says a local media report.

Father Joao José Correira Duarte, also known as John, 43, was arrested Tuesday at a hotel in Puerto Plata, Hoy Digital, a Spanish-language news website based in Santo Domingo, D.R., reported Wednesday.

He faces 12 charges of sexually assaulting boys aged 12 to 17, the site reported.

Some of the charges date to 1995, when Duarte helped run an orphanage in Port-au-Prince, the site reported.

Canada's Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade confirmed late Wednesday night "the arrest of a Canadian citizen on Oct. 20, in Puerto Plata" but would not confirm if that citizen is Duarte.

"Consular officers at the Canadian mission in Santo Domingo are providing consular assistance and working with local authorities to gather more information," said department spokesperson Dana Cryderman.

Due to the Privacy Act, no further information is available at this time," Cryderman said.

Duarte had for many years been involved in charity and missionary work in Haiti.

He is a co-founder of Windsor-based Hearts Together for Haiti, a charity dedicated to "helping the Haitian community" with educational and medical programs, according to its website.

He moved to Haiti permanently in 2003.

He is expected to be extradited to Canada, Hoy Digital reported.


Abuse Victims Statement: Polanski Denied Bail

Statement by Joelle Casteix of Newport Beach, SW Regional Director, SNAP - The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests ( (949) 322-7434 cell
We're glad Polanski was denied bail. Kids are safer because wrongdoing is being punished justly and publicly. In fact, other adults who may hurt children will now see that power, artistic talent and money do not make anyone immune from the law.
Polanski has ten days to appeal. We are asking him to NOT do this. He has enjoyed more than 30 years of freedom, living in the lap of luxury. He chose to become a fugitive, when in fact, he could have done the right thing long ago. The least he can do - out of respect for his victim, all victims, and the justice system - is to resist the temptation to use his wealth and the wealth and power of friends and family to win special treatment yet again.

(SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, is the nation’s oldest and largest support group for clergy abuse victims. We’ve been around since 1988 and have more than 9,000 members across the country. Despite the word “priest” in our title, we have members who were molested by religious figures of all denominations, including nuns, rabbis, bishops, and Protestant ministers. Our website is

Contact David Clohessy (314-566-9790 cell, 314-645-5915 home), Peter Isely (414-429-7259) Barbara Blaine (312-399-4747)

Bail Is Denied for Polanski

Published: October 20, 2009

A Swiss court denied Roman Polanski’s appeal on Tuesday to be released from jail pending a ruling on his possible extradition to the United States, The Associated Press reported. The Swiss Federal Criminal Court said Mr. Polanski, 76, was a “high” flight risk and rejected his offers to be under house arrest or to post bail, even if his chalet in Gstaad were used as collateral. He has 10 days to appeal the decision. Mr. Polanski, who fled the United States in 1978 before he could be sentenced for having sex with a 13-year-old girl, was arrested on Sept. 26 as he arrived in Zurich for a film festival. More court proceedings are expected after the United States files a formal extradition request, which must be submitted by Nov. 25.

Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests

Bridgeport, Connecticut John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in Bridgeport, Connecticut

Read our latest articles of July 2012 in Pope Crimes and Vatican Evils

Open the files and invite the stranger

October 27th, 2009


How about a conciliatory gesture between Christians?

A homecoming gift, if you like.

Now that the Vatican has extended an invitation to Anglicans to join its flock, it may want to sweeten the pot with a little candor.

I am referring; of course, to the 12,000 pages of sexual abuse documents the Bridgeport, Conn., diocese insists are just too secret to share with the rest of us.

Now that the Roman Catholic Church, of which I am a part, wants to open its doors to disaffected Anglicans, perhaps the church will open those dusty old files, too. It would be a refreshing – if improbable ‑ gesture of candor.

Today, the U.S. Supreme Court will consider hearing the diocese’s case, which seems unlikely given that the court has already refused to block the documents release.

The Connecticut Supreme Court has twice upheld a ruling that the documents were subject to a presumption of public access.

For the last seven years, the Bridgeport Diocese, which settled 23 lawsuits that alleged sexual misconduct by eight of its diocesan priests, has resisted having government officials pawing through its papyrus. It asserts that it has a First Amendment right to keep its personnel documents to itself – even if those documents reveal how the church dealt with priests in its employ who allegedly committed vile crimes against children.

William Lori

Though it would be refreshing if the diocese would come to its senses and recognize that those who have nothing to hide have nothing to lose, public relations has never been the organization’s strong suit. After the Supreme Court rejected rejected the court-ordered release documents, the current Bridgeport bishop, William E. Lori, said, “The right of the church to determine the suitability of its own ministers has been compromised by this decision.”

The Bridgeport Diocese, then headed by former New York City Archbishop Edward Egan, now retired, seems to believe it is in 12th century England, wrangling with a mercurial Plantagenet over clerical control. If, of course, the diocese had done such a bang-up job on personnel screenings they would not have had to settle 23 lawsuits against it from former altar boys and parishioners said they were victims of sodomy, rape and brutality.

In one of the Bridgeport cases, a priest admitted biting a teenager’s penis during oral sex – which the priest “blessed…as a way to receive Holy Communion,” Time reported. That priest, Rev. Laurence Brett, was later discovered by The Hartford Courant, “living a secretive but comfortable life on the tropical island of St. Maarten in the Caribbean.”

This is not a diocese whose bishop should be uttering “suitability” and “ministers” in the same sentence.

Four newspapers, including The New York Times, The Boston Globe, the Hartford Courant and the Washington Post, sought to have the documents unsealed because they played, “an important part of the record of institutional decisions that caused many children harm,” the Times reported.

After seven years of stonewalling, perhaps the Bridgeport diocese should just fall on its scepter, realize the gig is up and rid itself of this humiliating spectacle.
Cardinal Edward Egan, Archbishop of New York, holds mass April 10, 2005

Cardinal Edward Egan, Archbishop of New York, holds mass April 10, 2005

In 2002, The Hartford Courant published several incriminating stories concerning how then-Bridgeport Bishop Edward Egan ignored accusations or protected priests who were accused of such carnal skullduggery . Wouldn’t it be refreshing for the Bridgeport Diocese to open those files up to refute such depraved assertions?

The Bridgeport Diocese won’t say how much it has spent to preserve the sanctity of its personnel files, but since the pedophilia scandal broke in 2000, six other Catholic diocese have filed for bankruptcy, largely as a result of a flood of lawsuits on sexual abuse allegedly perpetrated by clergy members. As of 2004, sex-abuse related costs totaled $573 million, involved nearly 5,000 clergy who were accused of abusing 13,000 minors, reports the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York.

That same report indicated that, between 1950 to 2002, only 4 percent of Catholic clergy have had an allegation of abuse leveled against them. But the grim reality is that too many good priests have been tainted by the same despicable brush. Men who have led good and decent lives have been soured by the malevolence of others whose crimes have been veiled by the diocese’s counterproductive fixation with secrecy.

I’d love to be joined by my Anglican friends at the pew. But I cannot in any conscience invite my fellow Christians to be part of a church that has not only participated in this villainy, but has spent precious resources to cover it up. The church will be a better host for all of us when its skeletons, however odious, are out of the closet.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, October 27th, 2009 at 4:57 pm

John Paul II Pedophile Irish-Archbishop in Nigeria, Africa

Caught in the act of covering-up pedophile priests! "It was the late Pope John Paul II who consecrated him Bishop of the Nigerian diocese of Warri in March 1997, and in December 2007 Pope Benedict XVI promoted him to Archbishop of Benin City." John Paul II was too busy building up his narcissistic image and travelling that he couldn't care less about the Catholic vicitms of his John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army. No they were not only mere priests-pedophiles but Bishops and Archbisops as well. Geez, the cow has come home see the John Paul II Millstone and the Benedict XVI-Ratzinger God's Rottweiler and learn about these two most fallible popes in history!

Vatican probing child sex abuse allegations against archbishop
Monday, 26 October 2009

The Irish Church's standing in Rome has been dealt a further damaging blow with a high-level Vatican investigation into a complaint of child sexual abuse against a Tipperary-born archbishop.

This is the first instance of an official charge of clerical child molestation being made against an archbishop of Irish nationality, and it comes as the Irish Church is preparing “for the worst” with publication of the Murphy Report on abuse in the Archdiocese of Dublin.

It was learned yesterday Richard Burke (60), Archbishop of Benin, a city in southern Nigeria, stepped aside earlier this year pending the outcome of an ecclesiastical trial by the Vatican's doctrinal watchdog body, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

The Kiltegan missionary archbishop from Fethard, Co Tipperary, who is believed to be in the United States, has not commented on the allegation.

He is accused by Dolores Atwood, a 40-year-old married woman now living in Canada, of sexually abusing her when she was a minor, aged 14, and ill in a Nigerian hospital which he visited as a priest.

She also alleges that she suffered “emotional torture” during a 20-year secret affair which he conducted with her contrary to his vow of celibacy.

Last night St Patrick's Missionary Society in Kiltegan, Co Wicklow, also known as the Kiltegan Fathers, revealed it received a complaint from a woman against Archbishop Burke on December 16 last.

“We expressed the deep sorrow and regret of the Society for the suffering the complainant and her family are going through and we affirmed the Society's commitment to child protection,” a statement said.

“We assured her that the Society's Child Protection Policy and Procedures would be adhered to. The Society offered to provide counselling for the complainant.”
The statement confirmed that the Society has complied with a request from the Doctrinal Congregation to send to Rome all relevant documents relating to the allegation so that Rome can exercise full jurisdiction.

“Although a member of St Patrick's Missionary Society, Archbishop Burke ceased to be under the jurisdiction of the Society when he became a bishop and is now under the direct jurisdiction of the Holy See,” the Kiltegan Fathers said.
It was the late Pope John Paul II who consecrated him Bishop of the Nigerian diocese of Warri in March 1997, and in December 2007 Pope Benedict XVI promoted him to Archbishop of Benin City.

According to Monsignor Charles Scicluna, a senior advocate for the Congregation, Pope Benedict was informed of the charges against Archbishop Burke, who will be called to Rome for interrogation before it completes its investigations under oath of confidentiality.

Read more:

Abuse claim against archbishop

Michaek O'Regan

The Vatican is investigating an allegation of child sex abuse against an Irish-born archbishop based in Africa, his missionary order confirmed today.

Archbishop Richard Burke (60), from Clonmel, Co Tipperary, was ordained a priest for St Patrick’s Missionary Society, known as the Kiltegan Fathers, in Co Wicklow, in 1975. He was ordained a bishop in 1997, and installed as Archbishop of Benin, Nigeria, in March of last year.

In a statement, the society said it had received a complaint last December from a 40-year-old woman against Archbishop Burke.

“She alleged that she was sexually abused as a child by Richard Burke. We expressed the deep sorrow and regret of the society for the suffering the complainant and her family are going through and we affirmed the society’s commitment to child protection,’’ it added.

“We assured her that the society’s child protection policy and procedures would be adhered to. The society offered to provide counselling for the complainant.’’

The statement pointed out that although Archbishop Burke was a member of the society, he had ceased to be under its jurisdiction when he became a bishop and was now under the direct jurisdiction of the Holy See.

“However, he agreed to follow the society’s child protection procedures and voluntarily withdrew from ministry while the complaint is being investigated,’’ it added.

“The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith requested that all relevant documents relating to the allegation be forwarded to Rome so that it can exercise its full jurisdiction in the matter. The society has done this.’’

The society, said the statement, had kept in contact with the complainant, and informed her regularly of the steps being taken in accordance with policy and procedures. She had also been informed of the direct jurisdiction of the Holy See in the matter.

“The society is committed to ensuring that justice is done and that no child is put at risk through the behaviour of our members,’’ it added.

The Irish Mail on Sunday featured an interview with Dolores Atwood, who said that the abuse began when she was 14 years old and a patient in a hospital at Warri, Nigeria, in April 1983.

She alleged the archbishop continued to have a sexual relationship with her as recently as 2003.

Ms Atwood, who now lives in Nova Scotia, Canada, said she believed she was “manipulated and controlled’’ as a teenager.

She said she eventually confessed the relationship to her husband because she was wracked with guilt. She wrote to the Vatican and the society reporting the allegations.

Ms Atwood said she had provided phone recordings, letters and airline tickets to Church authorities as proof of their relationship.

Rome investigating abuse complaint

Sunday, 25 October 2009

The Vatican is investigating an allegation of child sexual abuse against an Irish Archbishop based in Nigeria.

St Patrick's Missionary Society, also known as the Kiltegan Fathers, has confirmed that a complaint was made about one of its members, Archbishop Richard Burke, by a 41-year-old Nigerian woman, Ms Dolores Atwood.

Archbishop Burke, 60, from Fethard in Co Tipperary, is one of the most senior members of the Catholic hierarchy known to be facing an accusation of this kind. He denies the allegation.

A statement released by the Society in response to a report in today's 'Irish Mail On Sunday' said that Ms Atwood had made a complaint alleging that Archbishop Burke had begun abusing her when she was a 14-year-old patient in hospital.

The statement said that once the complaint was made, two representatives of the Society promptly met Ms Atwood, who now lives in Canada and is married with three children.

It said that the complaint was received in December and that the Archbishop voluntarily withdrew from ministry six months after it was made while it was being investigated.

The Society expressed its deep sorrow and regret for the suffering that Ms Atwood and her family were going through.

It also confirmed that within the past fortnight, the Society had sent all papers relating to the case to the Vatican following a request from the Catholic Church's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, its second most important office.
Archbishop Burke was ordained a priest 34 years ago and was made a Archbishop of Benin in 2008.

Audio & Video

Nine News: Joe Little, Religious & Social Affairs Correspondent, says that the Vatican is investigating an allegation of child sexual abuse against an Irish Archbishop based in Nigeria

This Week: Joe Little, Religious & Social Affairs Correspondent, reports that the Vatican is investigating a complaint against Africa-based Archbishop Richard Burke

Story from RTÉ News:

Archbishop accused of sex assault
(UKPA) – 2 days ago

An Irish archbishop is accused of sexually assaulting a teenage girl in Africa before having a 20-year affair with her, it has emerged.

The Vatican is investigating a complaint made against Archbishop Richard Burke, who stepped down from his post with the Archdiocese of Benin in Nigeria earlier this year.

He is one of the most senior members of the Catholic Church to be accused of assaulting a minor.

Copyright © 2009 The Press Association. All rights reserved.

John Paul II Pedophile Priests in New Jersey

See how busy Benedict XVI is courting and deceiving (mauling) the Anglicans while he doesn't give a hoot to the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army Catholic victims see Benedict XVI-Ratizinger God's Rottweiler Benedict XVI and the Opus Dei silence the Catholic Jesuits especially those who work with the poor like Jon Sobrino, but there they are enticing and embracing the Anglicans. The Opus Dei want to obliterate the Jesuits after seizing their properties and missions like the Vatican Radio, and now they also want to seize the Anglicans' assets. Americans should never call the Opus-Dei-Pope John Paul II a "saint" because he led the worst criminal pedophile-priests-army against children in Catholic history see the John Paul II Millstone

Sex abuse victims blast NJ archbishop about two priests

For 2nd time recently, accused Newark cleric changed his name

He was sent to Florida where he allegedly attacked an adult woman

Now, priest faces a civil assault lawsuit and a trial date in six months

Just 2 weeks ago, a different child molesting cleric was put back in ministry

He was quietly re-assigned him despite his admission & criminal conviction

Then, priest was suddenly ousted when newspaper disclosed Myers' "reckless" move


Holding signs and childhood photos at a sidewalk news conference, clergy sex abuse victims will blast Newark Catholic officials for
-- failing to warn others about a accused predatory Polish priest who changed his name and was sent out of state, and
-- putting a convicted pedophile priest back in ministry two weeks ago at a local hospital.

They group will also
-- publicly prod local Catholic officials to 'come clean' with information about the predators,

-- disclose how many other current and former accused Newark clerics have been allowed to change their names.

Finally, they will beg anyone with information about the two offenders to call police, come forward, and get help.


Monday, Oct. 26, 1:30 a.m.


Outside the Newark archdiocese headquarters, 171 Clifton Ave. in Newark NJ


Three child sex abuse victims who belong to a support group called SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (, including a Woodbridge man who is the organization's New Jersey state director


SNAP is upset at how Newark Archbishop John Myers is "mishandling" two cases of accused predator priests. The first is Fr. Michael Fugee, who Myers quietly assigned recently to a hospital chaplaincy, even though Fugee admitted to and was found guilty of molesting a child. (Fugee later recanted and his 2003 conviction was overturned on a technicality. But as part of a deal with prosecutors, he was forbidden to be around kids.) The second is Fr. Wladyslaw Gorak. Church records show that one of his colleagues complained in 1998 that Gorak was kissing his coworkers.

In 2004, a New Jersey Catholic woman moved to Florida and Newark church officials then sent Gorak to Florida too. She repeatedly complained to Gorak's Florida pastor that Gorak kept bothering her. In Nov. 2004, Gorak broke into her house and sexually assaulted her. He was removed from ministry in Orlando in Dec. 2004. In 2005, Gorak legally changed his name to Fr. Walter Fisher and church officials made no announcement of it.

Now Gorak/Fisher faces a civil lawsuit for similarly assaulting the woman. A judge recently set a March 2010 civil trial date for Gorak/Fisher.

In each case, SNAP believes, Myers is acting irresponsibly and endangering innocent children and vulnerable adults. SNAP strongly suspects that Myers and his predecessors have let other alleged child molesting clergymen hide their identities and transferred them elsewhere.

Gorak/Fischer isn't the first accused Newark archdiocesan priest to have changed his name. Three months ago, SNAP revealed that Fr. Carmine Sita was convicted in the 1980s of molesting a Jersey City boy, sent to treatment, allowed to change his name to Gerald Howard, and sent to an unsuspecting Missouri parish where he repeatedly molested several boys. In August, one of his victims (Dr. Mark McAllister) held news conferences in New Jersey disclosing his recent $600,000 settlement with the Newark Archdiocese and others church institutions that shielded Sita/Howard.

SNAP feels Myers should also aggressively use his considerable resources (archdiocesan website, church newspaper, parish bulletins, etc.) to seek out and offer help to anyone with information about crimes by Sita/Howard, Gorak/Fischer and Fugee. Myers' spokesman has indicated that Fugee will be assigned somewhere. SNAP opposes putting him back into any form of ministry.

Mark Crawford 732 632 7687 cell, David Clohessy 314 566 9790 cell, Barbara Dorris 314 503 0003 cell

John Paul II Pedophile Priest in Albany

Those John Paul II Generation of Priests, here is one of the latest member of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army. See the John Paul II Millstone on how John Paul II covered-up his Pedophile Priests Army for decades

Priest removed from St. Jude faced sexual misconduct allegations '90s
October 28, 2009 1:02 AM
Ashe Reardon

The Albany priest removed from St. Jude Apostle Catholic Church last week faced similar allegations of sexual misconduct during the 1990s, according to a diocesan spokesperson.

Father Salvatore Rodino was placed on paid administrative leave from the Albany Diocese last week after an investigation into sexual abuse allegations emerged over the summer. That abuse incident reportedly occurred in the mid-1980s while Rodino served at the Blessed Sacrament Parish in Albany.

The diocese also got a complaint against Rodino in the 1990s, according to the diocese, but spokesperson Ken Goldfarb said there wasn't enough evidence at that time to remove Rodino.

On paid administrative leave, Rodino is banned from giving mass, living in diocesan property or even wearing his priestly garb in public.
At a meeting at St. Jude sponsored by the Albany Diocese Tuesday night, supporters of Father Rodino said the church criticized the diocese's investigation process.
Mark Lyman, a victims advocate, said he's encouraging any other potential victims to come forward.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

John Paul II Pedophile-Bishop in Canada has many porn files

See how John Paul II covered-up his John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in the John Paul II Millstone, and how Benedict XVI-Ratzinger God's Rottweiler did his share of cover-up

Lahey laptop had many porn files: document

A search warrant document says Ottawa police found a folder on Bishop Raymond Lahey's laptop computer containing 964 files and 33 videos, with many showing what police believe are young males involved in sexual acts.

Nova Scotia RCMP used the information to apply for a search warrant for Lahey's former residence in Sydney. That warrant was executed on Wednesday and one computer was seized.

A similar document was used to apply for two other search warrants for Lahey's former home and office in Antigonish. Those warrants were executed on Tuesday and in addition to two computers, police seized:

- One video camera.
- Two cell phones.
- Two MP3 players.
- 11 CDs/DVDs.

- One file folder containing 87 pages of computer printouts pertaining to domain name registrations.

Lahey is facing charges of importing and possessing child pornography. He is staying at a priest's residence run by the archdiocese of Ottawa until his next court date on Nov. 4.

In addition to descriptions of sexually explicit images, the document contains a detailed account of what Lahey told investigators with the Canada Border Services Agency when he was detained at the Ottawa International Airport on Sept. 15. He was charged 10 days later.

According to the document, Lahey told investigators he used MSN messenger to chat with other people and that the conversations were "often sexual in nature." He said he believed the people he chatted with were adults.

The search warrant document also said Lahey told officers he would never have any sexual interest in a person under the age of 18 and had "no time" for child exploitation or child pornography.

Lahey said he does not know much about computers, but used them to write emails and write articles related to his work, according to investigators.

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