Sunday, November 23, 2008

500,000 Starlings represent the victims' voice of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army Video

The autumn skies of Rome at dusk belong to the starlings.

God has enough of the GAY voice of Benedict XVI. God no longer want to hear the “holy” hypocrisy of the Opus Dei in their WORLD DOMINATION Agenda. So God sends 500,000 starlings which represent the victims of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army whose blood are crying out to Heaven for vengeance. These starlings voice drowns out the GAY voice of Benedict XVI who lives with his handsome GAY private secretary Msgr. Georg – see our blog for his photos
500,000 starlings warn Benedict XVI his days are numbered and the Vatican's hours are ticking.

The Vatican was predicted in the Third Secret of Fatima to sink into a black hole and not one of its pillars will remain standing – like the Temple of Solomon.

So those 5 BILLION Euros annual deposit of the Bank of the Pope will all disappear like smoke because God ahs no use for the wealth of the Opus Dei on this planet because they covered-up the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army for over 26 years...and worshipped on the pedophilia-altar at the Vatican.

========= VIDEO

The Sky-High Mob Over Rome

Starlings Have Been Arriving in Rome Since the 1920s, With Current Estimates at 500,000

ROME, Nov. 17, 2008

The autumn skies of Rome at dusk belong to the starlings. Lifting off from their plane tree roosts...

The autumn skies of Rome at dusk belong to the starlings. Lifting off from their plane tree roosts along the Tiber river, it is a slow gathering. A small flock flies about and is joined by another small flock. Yet another joins them, and then another and they are a sky-high mob.

Seen from a roof terrace in central Rome, they resemble circus acrobats warming up for their finale with somersaults and arching pirouettes. They are their own amusement park ride, dipping and soaring with switchbacks and loop de loops.

Hundreds and then gusts of thousands glide over the domes and antennaed rooftops. Sometimes, when the birds fly low enough, you can hear the whoosh and a faint murmuring as they pass overhead. They seem to be heading for a certain somewhere until they veer off in another direction entirely.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army murdered young souls

John Paul II never stopped any ONE of his legions of pedophile priests in America and around the world who were murdering young souls like this in New Jersey. Murder is not only of flesh and blood that we see with our eyes. That is why John Paul II and the Opus Dei thought they could get away with the murder of thousands of altar boys. The fact that many of the victims of John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army committed suicide is a complicity with murder all the way from the Pope and the Opus Dei who controlled him at the Vatican for over 26 years. John Paul II does not deserve to be called a ``saint`` especially by Americans who have proven that he covered-up the most henious crime of Catholicism in modern times with 2 Billion dollars paid to settle and silence his American victims.

Opus Dei has concocted words like John Paul II the Great, John Paul II youth, John Paul II priests, etc. but they cannot escape the fact that there were thousands of pedophile priests who thrived under the 26 years of papacy of John Paul II.

History has judged John Paul II and no matter how much mainstream media lies the Opus Dei will create for him, John Paul II will go down in history as the worst pope because he was a criminal pope who covered up his own John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army numbering more than 5,500 in the United States alone with more than 12,000 victims. The American victims of John Paul II is more than double the 5,000 victims of the September 11 attacks at the World Trade Center.

Here is a classic example of how John Paul II Pedophile Priests murdered young souls.

Stop the Murder of Young Souls

By The Rev. Robert Hoatson
Daily Record
November 11, 2007

When the rumors about the sexual abuse of minors by Monsignor Ronald Tully became rampant almost five years ago, I decided to bring those rumors to him, face-to-face, in the rectory of Sacred Heart Parish in Dover. It was a brisk, sunny winter's day. I rang the bell to the parish office. A worker answered the door and immediately escorted me into the office of Monsignor Tully, a dank, dirty, smoke-filled room that was also, strangely, the office of the parish's music director.

Tully thought I was asking to see him so he could hear my confession. It is not uncommon for priests to seek out unfamiliar priests for confession, especially if they have something serious to confess. I proceeded to get right to the point. I asked Tully if the strong rumors I had heard that he was a sexual abuser of minors were true. He answered, "I would never do anything like that, and have you contacted the bishop?" I told him I couldn't contact the bishop since I had no definitive proof that he was a molester, but he asked me more than three times to speak to the bishop.

His demeanor told me he was guilty, but he would never admit it. He chain-smoked, fidgeted and requested of the music director that she confirm that he was not a pedophile.

After he denied that he was a sexual abuser of anyone, I asked Tully if he knew anything about the suicide of a Paterson priest who used to live in his rectory when he was a teenager. He told me that the boy did, indeed, spend many nights in the rectory, but it only occurred when a snowstorm was coming and the boy was going to get up early to shovel or "salt" the sidewalks. He claimed he "loved" the boy and had nothing to do with his death. I believe that boy may have been sexually abused in that rectory. Just before I left, I told him I would continue my investigation. A few days later, Tully was removed from the parish.

A few days ago, we learned that Tully had accepted voluntary laicization. There were just too many victims. But why did it take four victims and nearly $1 million in settlement money to get this man out of the priesthood? One wonders why this process hadn't happened years, even decades, ago. Reports of sexual abuse by Tully were made a long time ago, but he was allowed to be a high school teacher and principal, parish priest, pastor and a specially-favored priest by the Paterson Diocese and its bishop. Otherwise, he would not have been made a monsignor.

Tully was a protected man. He was protected by the same system that created him. He should have been defrocked years ago, but the dysfunctional clerical culture that allowed him to continue serving as a priest and abusing as a pedophile is the same system that enabled his behavior. Kids weren't protected; abusive priests and their bosses were. Why won't the people in the pews believe this? They keep putting envelope after envelope and dollar bill after dollar bill into the collection baskets without questioning, without doubting, without screaming bloody murder. They are feeding the beast that allowed Ronald Tully to abuse boy after boy after boy.

How will we stop this murder of young souls? First, by passing legislation in the state of New Jersey that will give childhood victims of sexual abuse a look-back window through which they will be able to hold their abusers accountable. This legislation would benefit not only victims of clergy abuse but victims of any child sexual abuser. It is time to give victims of sexual abuse their day in court.

Second, by not allowing large institutions like the Catholic Church, with heavily financed lobbyists, to "rule the roost" in Trenton, the state Legislature will send a signal to the citizens of New Jersey that every victim of childhood sexual abuse regardless of who their abuser is has an opportunity to reap justice.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

John Paul II's 10 Most Dangerous Predator Priests walking free in America

SNAP fact sheet – 10 most dangerous US predator priests walking free (11/08)

MD – Fr. Fernando Cristancho

In 2001, he sexually exploited and impregnated Dalia Fernandez. She gave birth to triplets and he molested two of them in 2005-06, according to a ruling by Maryland ’s second highest court (the Court of Special Appeals). The court gave custody of the six-year-old triplets to Fernandez. The priest

is originally from and worked in Virginia and Maryland . In 2004, the Baltimore archdiocese apparently revoked his permission to act as a priest.

Details: Becky Ianni of Northern Virginia SNAP 703 801 6044

MA, NY, MD: - Fr. A.J. Cote

He is accused in a civil lawsuit of molesting two Massachusetts boys in 2005. While committing those crimes, he was on suspension for also sexually abusing a Maryland boy in 2001-02. That boy settled his civil lawsuit against Cote and his employers (the Dominicans) in 2007 for $1.2 million. Cote is believed to be living in western Massachusetts or Manhattan .

Details: Attorney Jeff Anderson of St. Paul MN 651 227 9990, 612 817 8665 cell

AZ – Msgr. Dale Fushek


He is awaiting trial early next year on seven “misdemeanor sex charges stemming from his relationships with five boys in the 1980s and ’90s, including indecent exposure, assault and contributing to the delinquency of a minor,” according to news accounts. For years, he traveled the country promoting the ‘Life Teen’ program h e founded. . In January 2008, Phoenix ’s archbishop warned Catholics to avoid the new church Fushek started and still runs.

Details: Attorney Stuart Mermelstein of Miami 305 931 2200

NY – New York City - Msgr. Wallace Harris

In August of this year, he forced to step down as pastor because of allegations of sexual abuse. He now faces ten accusers but many of his parishioners have rallied around him and have basically erected a shrine to him outside his former church.

Harris is charismatic and well connected in both political and church circles. (New York ’s governor is a parishioner and Harris helped plan the Pope’s spring 2008 visit to NY.)

Details: Rev. Eric C. Crumbley, founder of Harlem Faith Center in Harlem

NY – Long Island – Msgr. Alan Placa

In a 2003 grand jury report, Placa is accused of molesting kids himself and of helping other predator priests cover up their own child sex crimes. By virtue of his training (he’s a civil and a canon lawyer), his connections across the country (he advised bishops on how to ‘handle’ abuse cases), and his close relationship with Rudy Giuliani (they’re boyhood pals and he’s on Rudy’s payroll), Placa must be considered very dangerous.

Details: Richard Tollner of Albany , New York 518 724 2462, 518 428 5000,

IL - Fr. Kenneth J. Martin

As recently as last month, Martin, an admitted and convicted child molester, was working and living part time for a close friend who heads the Chicago archdiocese. In 2003, six months after bishops pledged to ‘reform’ and be ‘open’ about child sex cases, a reporter discovered Martin lived a week each month with Cardinal Francis George’s Gold Coast mansion. In the ensuing public uproar, George said Martin would no longer work for the archdiocese. But George kept Martin on the payroll anyway.

Martin is especially dangerous because he’s clearly very close to and favored by George, the current head of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops. Because his conviction was before 1996, when Delaware ’s sex offender registry was created, Martin doesn’t have to register as a sex offender. In the only interview he gave to a reporter, he denied having pled guilty to criminal abuse charges.

Details: David Clohessy of SNAP, 314 566 9790 cell

CA - Fr. Eric Swearingen

In 2006, in a civil trial, a jury found him guilty of molesting then 12 year old Juan Rocha in the late 1980s/early 1990s. (They deadlocked, however, on whether or not church supervisors knew earlier that he was a molester. So the judge declared a mistrial.) Afterwards, he was named rector of a diocesan high school. Now, Swearingen is the pastor of Holy Spirit Church in the Fresno Diocese.

he’s still pastor at Holy Spirit Church in Fresno CA :

Details: Dave Drivon of Stockton 209 466 0982,,
Larry Drivon of Stockton 209 644 1234, 209 969 0982

TX, CO, MO - Brother William Mueller

Just last month, 23 civil lawsuits were settled against this cunning predator, who often used ether to knock teenaged boys out, then sodomize or molest them. Mueller often deceived his victims, claiming to be studying psychology and conducting bizarre ‘experiments’ about fear and trust. A former Marianist, he walks free now in San Antonio , Texas .

Details: Bryan Bacon of Columbia MO 573 874 7777

Attorney Adam Horowitz and Jeff Herman of Miami 305 921 3300

Attorney Dan Craig of Kansas City 816 221 7772

TX – Fr. Anthony Gonzales

In March, a civil lawsuit against him was settled. He molested at least 15 girls and admits, under oath, fathering at least eight children. After one of his teenaged victims gave birth, Gonzales’ Oblate colleagues lied, telling her Gonzales had died. He abused, impregnated and then abandoned a teenager who was living with her mentally ill mother in an abandoned house in Houston .

Gonzales now lives in Taylor Texas (population 15,000) where his sister is the mayor.

Details: Attorney Tahira Khan Merritt of Dallas 214 503 7300

MO – Fr. Thomas M. Reardon

Reardon is the most widely accused predator priest in Missouri , who faces at least 20 accusers in civil lawsuits. He also has a counseling license and until recent years was seeing drug and alcohol-addicted teens as a therapist. Along with his colleague, Fr. Thomas O’Brien, he’s accused of holding wild, liquor-laden parties with teens at a remote lake house where perhaps dozens of boys were molested.

Details: Attorney Rebecca Randles of Kansas City 816 931 9900 work

(SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, is the nation’s oldest and largest support group for clergy abuse victims. We’ve been around for 19 years and have more than 8,000 members across the country. Despite the word “priest” in our title, we have members who were molested by religious figures of all denominations, including nuns, rabbis, bishops, and Protestant ministers. Our website is

Contact David Clohessy (314-566-9790 cell, 314-645-5915 home), Barbara Blaine (312-399-4747), Barbara Dorris (314-862-7688)

Saturday, November 08, 2008

America’s worst 5 Catholic Cardinals on child sex abuse & cover-ups of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army

Here are the 5 worst John Paul II clones who covered-up his John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army. John Paul II must not be called a "saint" in American soil and by American lips!

America's worst 5 Catholic Cardinals on child sex abuse & cover-ups

NOTE: This list focuses largely on the Cardinals' admitted, proven, and alleged misdeeds within the past six years, AFTER the US bishops pledged to respond more quickly, openly and compassionately to clergy child molestation.

(For decades, however, these highly-educated men knew that child sex crimes were illegal, wrong and hurtful.)

Cardinal Francis George of Chicago

· In August 2005, Fr. Daniel McCormack was questioned by the police because of abuse allegations. Two months later, the Chicago lay review board recommended that George suspend McCormack. George refused, kept silent and let his chancellor promote McCormack. Three months later, police arrested McCormack again. During those last few months of his active parish ministry in Chicago 's inner city, McCormack molested at least three boys, the district attorney said. (One of the children, prosecutors say, had been assaulted "on an almost daily" basis.)

McCormack has pled guilty to child molestation.

Later, records obtained by victims' attorneys showed that in 1999, a school principal reported accusations against McCormack to archdiocesan officials. Nothing was done.

Adding insult to injury, five high ranking church officials closely involved in this fiasco have since been promoted.

The female veteran school principal (who was the only archdiocesan staffer to call the police) has, however, been fired. Church authorities refuse to say why.

· While the McCormack case has received some attention, George has displayed shocking callousness, recklessness and secrecy in other, post-2002 cases. Perhaps most notably, within months of the adoption of the so-called 'reforms' in Dallas, George knowingly and secretly let a convicted predator priest (Fr. Kenneth Martin) work in the archdiocese and live, part-time, with George in George's mansion.

Cardinal Roger Mahony of Los Angeles

· In 2005 or 2006, LA church and school officials were questioned by police about current child sex abuse allegations against John Malburg. Malburg was a Catholic high school principal from a politically prominent family. The archdiocese didn't suspend him. They told no one about the investigation. Six months later, Malburg was arrested and criminally charged. Parents asked church officials "Why didn't you tell us? Why didn't you suspend him?" Cardinal Mahony's PR man told the LA Times "Law enforcement told us to keep quiet." The next day, in the LA Times, prosecutors said they never made any such request.

· In just nine months, police say, Fr. Nicholas Aguilar Rivera, sexually assaulted at least 26 boys in Los Angeles .

In August 2007, long-secret church records about Aguilar were publicly disclosed. According to the New York Times, the documents showed that then-Msgr. Thomas Curry "tipped off" the accused pedophile priest who then fled to Mexico to avoid criminal prosecution.(An LA district attorney said Curry "facilitated" Aguilar's flight.) Aguilar went on to molest kids in Mexico later.

Curry is now one of Mahony's auxiliary bishops. Despite public pleas to discipline Curry, or at least speak out about Curry's irresponsible secrecy, Mahony said and did nothing.

· For years, Mahony stayed secretly let an admitted child molesting cleric live in his archdiocese (in a picturesque religious complex overlooking the ocean), despite the cleric's being wanted on criminal charges in Canada . In 2005, when SNAP and others demanded that Mahony and his colleagues turn over Franciscan friar Gerald Chumik to law enforcement, he let Chumik move from Santa Barbara Mission Church in Santa Barbara to Missouri .

For 14 years, Chumik has been a fugitive from his native Canada .

SNAP leaders believe this needlessly put children at risk and is a clear violation of the much-touted Dallas Charter which all American bishops adopted in June of 2002.

· Elected district attorneys rarely feud in public with powerful religious figures. But in October 2005, (more than three years after Mahony pledged "openness" about child sex abuse and cover ups), Los Angeles County District Attorney Steve Cooley said "Three years ago, I urged Cardinal Mahony to provide the fullest possible disclosure of evidence of sexual abuse by clergy. Despite two court rulings ordering full disclosure, Cardinal Mahony continues to claim 'confidentiality privileges' that no court has recognized."

Cardinal Daniel DiNardo of Houston

· In November 2007, a victim reported having been sexually abused by Fr. Stephen Horn between 1989 and 1993. DiNardo found him credible and suspended Horn. The Cardinal, however, kept the allegation and his determination secret from parishioners, police and the public for two months, despite US bishops' repeated pledges to act quickly and openly with credibly sex abuse allegations. Finally, in mid-January, DiNardo disclosed his action. (The delay gave Horn, a credibly accused molester, ample opportunity to fabricate alibis, destroy evidence, intimidate victims, threaten witnesses, or even flee the country, as some pedophile priests have done.)

Part of DiNardo's secrecy and delay occurred in the weeks between when the Pope announced that DiNardo would be named a Cardinal (October 2007) and when DiNardo was promoted amid much pageantry (November 24). Some Houston Catholics have speculated that DiNardo didn't want the news of Horn's crimes to 'rain on (DiNardo's) parade'

Weeks ago, SNAP wrote DiNardo, urging him to explain and apologize for his secrecy. SNAP has urged the cardinal to visit parishes where Horn worked and emphatically beg victims and witnesses to come forward, get help and call the police. He has not responded to either the letter or the request.

· When he was a bishop in Sioux City, Iowa, DiNardo similarly mishandled the Fr. George McFadden case in Iowa, only disclosing the allegations against this predator priest long afterwards.

Beginning in the 1990s (and likely longer), Sioux City church officials knew of repeated charges of child molestation against McFadden, an admitted abuser, dating back into the 1960s. (DiNardo was Sioux City bishop starting in 1997.) For at least five years (and even later), DiNardo had the chance to disclose McFadden's hurtful actions to police, prosecutors, parishioners, and the public, and to keep McFadden from other vulnerable children. He stayed silent.

According to the Des Moines Register, "The confessed child molester continued to hear confession and say Mass daily over the past decade at the Cathedral of the Epiphany, Sioux City's largest Catholic church.)

McFadden is accused of abusing more than 25 girls and boys in dozens of civil lawsuits. Despite his alleged 'treatment' and 'retirement' in the 1990s, he continued to function as priest until 2002.

Cardinal Sean O'Malley of Boston

· Last month church officials disclosed that, for the second year in a row, O'Malley is in violation of the US bishops' child sex abuse prevention policy.

Much in the policy is meaningless public relations, SNAP is convinced. But O'Malley's breaking one of the proven, practical requirements that help prevent abuse: training kids how to avoid or stop being victimized.

Roughly one in five Boston Catholic children is not receiving this training. Every child is supposed to receive it.

Worse, O'Malley tries to dodge responsibility for this clear, egregious refusal by blaming pastors and parishioners.

But O'Malley's had six years to persuade colleagues to weaken the national abuse policy, devise alternative programs, or get on board (and get his employees on board). He's done none of these three steps.

Nor has he disciplined a single individual for flaunting this national requirement.

· In a 2006 case with disturbing parallels to many of the hundreds of Boston pedophile priest cases, O'Malley moved very slowly and gingerly against a prominent Catholic hospital official who faces multiple allegations of sexually harassing employees.

A high-ranking human resources official at the hospital "accused O'Malley of improperly interceding in the investigation to help (the accused), giving him advance notice of the probe, providing him with an adviser, and telling of the reprimand before consulting with the board," according to the Boston Globe.

The cardinal's actions "have made a mockery of the investigation. It is nothing short of shameful," she wrote.

"Perhaps most troubling" was what she called the "near absence" of concern for the women complainants that she said was shown by the church hierarchy

Cardinal Edward Egan of New York

· Less than two months ago, the New York Post reported "The former principal of a prestigious Catholic high school who resigned amid allegations of inappropriate images on his work computer was allowed to stay on the job for nearly five months after a priest wrote the New York Archdiocese accusing him of serious misconduct."

In 2003, Egan became the first US prelate to refuse to say mass for the devoutly Catholic, hand-picked, distinguished lay panel chosen by bishops to look at the church's child sex abuse crisis. According to the New York Times, Egan also "interfered with" and prevented the US bishops' 'watchdog' on clergy sex cases from speaking in his archdiocese.

(SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, is the nation's oldest and largest support group for clergy abuse victims. We've been around for 17 years and have more than 8,000 members across the country. Despite the word "priest" in our title, we have members who were molested by religious figures of all denominations, including nuns, rabbis, bishops, and Protestant ministers. Our website is


David Clohessy of St. Louis , SNAP national director 314 566 9790 cell
Peter Isely of Milwaukee , SNAP board chair emeritus 414 429 7259 cell
Barbara Blaine of Chicago , SNAP president 312 399 4747 cell
Barbara Dorris of St. Louis , SNAP 314 503 0003 cell

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Jesuit pedophile priest convicted in Illinois

Illinois: Ex-Priest Guilty of Sex Abuse By CATRIN EINHORN

Published: October 24, 2008

A once prominent Jesuit priest was convicted in federal court in Chicago of engaging in sexual activity with a teenage boy who accompanied him on religious trips to Europe and Minnesota in 2000 and 2001.

Prosecutors described the priest, Donald J. McGuire, 78, who was defrocked in February, as a “wolf in sheep’s clothing” who used his position to gain the trust of families and then sexually abused boys under the guise of teaching them lessons and making them more spiritually pure. The victim said Mr. McGuire started abusing him in 1999 at age 13. Mr. McGuire, who taught at Loyola Academy in suburban Chicago and then traveled the world directing such retreats for laypeople and members of Mother Teresa’s religious order, said he would appeal.

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