Thursday, June 28, 2007

John Paul II Pedophile Priests that have gone to Trial

Here is a list of some of the most notorious pedophile priests of John Paul II and Benedict XVI. Their portraits can be seen in this link. While Benedict XVI and his handsome gay? private secretary are wallowing in self-glory in the Vatican, they couldn't give a hoot to these cases in America.

Sexual Abuse Cases That Have Gone to Trial
Last Updated June 27, 2007

Thousands of civil suits have been filed in the United States relating to alleged sexual abuse by Catholic priests, but very few have gone to trial. has reviewed the evidence and documented 33 civil suits that
have been tried since the mid-1980s.

Short statutes of limitations in many states and delaying tactics by dioceses have combined to severely limit the number of civil suits that could come to trial. The small number of trials among eligible cases reflects the bishops' fear that juries might award significant compensatory or punitive damages, as in the landmark 1997 Kos trial, and even more, their abiding concern that information might become public in a trial, either by release of documents or through testimony by the bishop himself or his managers.

Whenever dioceses have filed for bankruptcy, upcoming civil trials have been a factor in the decision, and one case was settled after weeks of trial, shortly before a retired bishop was to take the stand (cf. the Freitas case). Legal scholar Marci Hamilton suggests that a trial offers survivors a chance for vindication within their community and places the responsibility for the abuse "exactly where it belongs." This outcome is one that the bishops have avoided wherever possible.

The table below lists the trials in order by the date on which a verdict was rendered or the trial was otherwise concluded. Clicking the accused priest's name in the list below will bring you directly to the table entry on that trial. Please let us know of other trials that should be included on this list, if possible with a link to a news story describing the verdict.

| Adamson | Ball | Bierman | Brett | Buser | Cramer | Feeney | Freitas | Gauthe | Gummersbach | Herek | Janssen | Kapoun | Kos | Lang | Leifeld | Luddy | Lutz | Maguire | Maiello | O'Grady | Ponciroli | Pritchard 1 | Pritchard 2 | Provost | Smith | Sprauer | Swearingen | Teczar | Vosen | Willis | Wolf |

Date Priest Diocese Source Comment
1986 and 1987 Rev. Gilbert Gauthe

Lafayette LA • Victims of "Fathers" Lose Religious Faith, by Carl M. Cannon, San Jose Mercury News (12/30/87)

• Ex-Altar Boy Found Courage to Air Priest's Betrayal, by Dan Moffett, Palm Beach Post (6/10/98)

• The Tragedy of Gilbert Gauthe, by Jason Berry, Times of Acadiana (5/23/85)
In the 1986 trial, the diocese admitted liability and a family was awarded $1.25M in damages. In the 1987 trial, a jury awarded $1.8M to a former altar boy. The diocese settled other cases and Gauthe was criminally convicted.

1989 Rev. William N. Cramer Paterson NJ • Rodimer, Abuser Priest Meet, by John Chadwick, The Record (6/19/02) Cramer pled guilty in 1988 to two counts of endangering the welfare of a child. He was later found liable in a civil trial, and fined about $75,000 in damages and interest.

12/7/90 Rev. Thomas P. Adamson

Winona and St. Paul-Minneapolis MN • “Don't Tell Anybody ... You'll Get in Trouble, and So Will I,” by Bob Ehlert, Star Tribune (12/11/88)

• The Sins of the Fathers, by Jason Berry, Chicago Reader (5/24/91)

• Ex-Altar Boy Found Courage to Air Priest's Betrayal, by Dan Moffett, Palm Beach Post (6/10/88) A jury awarded the plaintiff $3.55M, of which $2.7M was in punitive damages. The award was later reduced to $1M.

4/21/94 Rev. Francis Luddy Altoona-Johnstown PA • Jury Awards $1.5 Million to Priest's Accuser, by Tom Gibb, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (4/22/94)

• Church Not Liable for Molestation, by Jon Schmitz, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (9/6/96)

• Court Puts Diocese Back into Molestation Case, by Tom Gibb, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (11/25/99)

• Verdict Against Diocese Stands, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (1/26/00)

• Mixed Ruling in Luddy Case, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (10/26/00)

• Court Won't Hear Molestation Appeal, by Tom Gibb, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (10/4/01)

• Diocese Finally Pays Victim of Sex Abuse, by Tom Gibb, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (10/17/01)

• $1 Million Penalty Is at Issue in Church Suit, by Joseph A. Slobodzian, Philadelphia Inquirer (9/10/02)

• Priest-Abuse Damages Suit Goes Ahead, by Susan Evans, Tribune-Democrat (10/23/03)

• Supreme Court Sends Altoona Abuse Case Back to Lower Court, Associated Press (3/23/05)

• Pennsylvania Supreme Court Says Plaintiff Can Get Punitives for Negligent Supervision, Lawyers Weekly (4/11/05)

• Diocese Ordered to Pay $1.7 Million in Damages to Man Abused in 1970s, by Joe Mandak, Associated Press (3/24/06)

• Diocese Won't Appeal Damages, York Dispatch (4/17/06)

• Lawsuit Interest Reduced in Priest Sexual Abuse Case, by Phil Ray, Altoona Mirror (10/6/06)

A jury ordered the diocese and Bishop Hogan to pay $1.28M, Luddy to pay $236,840, and the parish to pay $58,900 (total $1,575,740). Verdict overturned 9/5/96 by state superior court. On 11/24/99 the state Supreme Court put the diocese back in the case, and affirmed its decision on 1/24/00. On 10/25/00 the Superior Court ruled against punitive damages but let stand $869K in other awards, including a $50K punitive judgment against the priest, the Rev. Francis Luddy, $519K in compensatory damages against Luddy and the diocese, and delay damages that totaled >$300K as of 1994. On 9/28/01 the state Supreme Court refused to review the awards, and on 3/22/05 it ruled that the Superior Court erred in disallowing punitive damages. On 3/22/06 the Superior Court ruled that the diocese must pay $1.7M in punitive damages.

6/29/94 Rev. Robert Lutz

Chicago IL • The Sins of the Fathers, by Jason Berry, Chicago Reader (5/24/91)

• Boy Says Abuse; Priest, Ex-Nun Say Slander, by Harvey Berkman, Chicago Lawyer (1/94)

• Jury Clears Priest, Principal, by Andrew Fegelman, Chicago Tribune (6/30/94)

• State Appellate Court Decision (6/25/96)

Jury found in favor of the defendant priest. Affirmed on appeal 5/10/96.
1995 Rev. Earl Bierman

Covington • $5.2m Church Deal May Be Just Beginning, by Kevin Eigelbach, Cincinnati Post (10/13/03) A jury ordered the diocese to pay $737K to a man Bierman abused in the 1970s.

3/28/95 Revs. James Buser, Gale Leifeld, and Jim Wolf Milwaukee WI • Jury Rejects Sex Abuse Suit Against Capuchin Priests, by Jim Schaefer, Detroit Free Press (3/29/95) Jury found against the plaintiff on statute of limitations grounds.

1/29/96 Rev. Ronald Provost

Worcester MA • Jury Clears Harrington and Diocese, by Gary V. Murray, Telegram & Gazette (1/30/96)

• Unholy Acts, by Paul Wilkes, New Yorker (6/7/93) In porn case, jury found that Provost's negligence contributed to boy's emotional distress, but also found that diocese was not negligent. Boy was not awarded damages because "physical manifestation" of his distress was not demonstrated. Provost had previously been convicted in a criminal trial.

2/7/96 Rev. Robert Kapoun St. Paul-Minneapolis MN • Man Wins $550,000 in Sex Assault by Priest, by Chip Johnson

Saint Paul Pioneer Press (2/8/96)

• Archdiocese Fined More Than $1 Million, by Leslie Wirpsa, NCR (3/1/96)

• Court Dismisses $ 1 Million Abuse Suit, by Margaret Zack, Star Tribune (5/28/97)

• Archdiocese, Priest Unlikely to Collect Legal Costs in Child Molestation Case, by Margaret Zack, Star Tribune (6/10/97)

• Lawyer: Archdiocese Not Billing, by Clark Morphew, Saint Paul Pioneer Press (6/13/97)

• Latest Polka Padre Ruling Hits Sour Note with Juror, by Doug Grow, Star Tribune (6/18/97)

Jury awarded plaintiff $550K in compensatory damages, and on 2/13/96 awarded $600K in punitive damages. On 5/27/97 the state appeals court overturned both awards on SOL grounds. The archdiocese filed a motion to recover costs from the plaintiff, then disavowed the effort.

3/25/96 Rev. Robert Kapoun St. Paul-Minneapolis MN • Archdiocese Admits Liablity for Abuse by 'Polka Padre', by Margaret Zack, Star Tribune (3/20/96)

• No Damages in Priestly Abuse, by Margaret Zack, Star Tribune (3/26/96)

After the archdiocese in its opening statement accepted responsibility for its handling of Kapoun, the jury found that the plaintiff had past and future therapy costs of $100K but on SOL grounds did not award damages.

4/4/96 Msgr. Cordell J. Lang Mobile AL • Jury Clears Priest: Man's Lawyers Vow to Appeal Verdict in Lawsuit over Alleged Sexual Abuse, by Jean Lakeman Helms, Mobile Register (4/5/96) Jury found for the priest defendant. Affirmed on appeal 5/2/97.

4/97 Rev. Felix H. Maguire Hartford CT • A Predatory Trail, a Futile Pursuit, by Edmund H. Mahony and Dave Altimari, Hartford Courant (8/11/02) Jury awarded plaintiff $262,803 in a trial closed to the public by Judge Linda Lager. Amount was later reduced as part of confidential settlement to keep Maguire from appealing the verdict. Suit was under seal from 1993, shortly after filing, until after verdict.

7/24/97 Rev. Rudy Kos

Dallas TX • Kos Jury Awards $ 119 Million: Diocese Found Grossly Negligent, by Ed Housewright and Brooks Egerton, Dallas Morning News (7/25/97)

• 3 Kos Plaintiffs Accept $7.5 Million Settlement, by Ed Housewright and Brooks Egerton, Dallas Morning News (3/6/98)

• Diocese, Kos Victims Settle for $ 23.4 Million, by Ed Housewright and Brooks Egerton, Dallas Morning News (7/11/98)

Jury awarded 11 plaintiffs $119.6M, of which $18M was in punitive damages against the diocese. To avoid appeals, 3 plaintiffs settled for $7.5M on 3/4/98, and 8 plaintiffs settled for $23.4M as announced on 7/10/98, reducing the original award to $30.9M.

8/26/97 Rev. Laurence F.X. Brett

Bridgeport CT • Diocese Took Decades to Suspend Molester, by Gerald Renner, Hartford Courant (8/13/97)

• Jury Awards $ 750,000 in Priest Misconduct Case, by Denise Lavoie, Associated Press (8/27/97) Jury awarded plaintiff $750K and deemed him eligible for punitive damages, limited to legal fees and associated costs. The jury found the diocese breached its duty to the plaintiff when it hid complaints and failed to investigate.

7/16/98 Rev. Oliver O'Grady

Stockton CA • Jury Awards $30 Million to Brothers Molested by Priest, Associated Press (7/17/98)

• Holy Hypocrite, by Ron Russell, New Times (5/16/02)

• L.A. Cardinal's Role Outrages Abuse Victims, by Don Lattin, San Francisco Chronicle (4/19/02) Jury awarded 2 plaintiffs $24M in punitive damages and $6M in compensatory damages. Later reduced by judge to $8M punitive and $5M compensatory. In 1999, plaintiffs settled for $7.65M. O'Grady had been criminally convicted in 1994 of molesting the plaintiffs.

3/1/99 Rev. James Gummersbach St. Louis MO • Jury Hits Archdiocese with $1.2 Million Verdict, by Tim Bryant, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (3/2/99)

• Court Overturns Jury Award to Man Who Claimed a St. Louis Priest Abused Him, by William C. Lhotka, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (3/29/00) Jury awarded plaintiff $498,280 in compensatory damages and the same amount in punitive damages, and awarded his wife $200K for damages to the couple's marriage. Appeals court overturned the verdict on statute of limitations grounds on 3/28/00.

6/14/02 Rev. Daniel Herek

Omaha NE • Jury Awards $800,000 for Abuse, by Joseph Morton, Omaha World Herald (6/15/02) Jury awarded $750 to the plaintiff and $50K to his mother. The archdiocese admitted negligence shortly before the trial began. In 1998 Herek had been convicted of sexual assault on a child and manufacturing child pornography.
10/3/02 Rev. Thomas Teczar

Worcester MA • Jury Rules Teczar Committed Abuse, by Kathleen A. Shaw, Telegram & Gazette (10/4/02) The jury ruled that Teczar committed "reckless infliction of emotional distress" on the plaintiff and caused him harm, but judged that it was not intentional, and did not award damages, apparently because the connection between distress and harm was not established.

10/15/03 Rev. Edward L. Ball San Bernardino CA • Judge Awards Brothers $26 Million in Priest Sex Abuse Case, NBC 4 (10/17/03)

• Priest Fined Millions in Molestation Case, by Tim Grenda, Press Enterprise (10/17/03)

• Diocese to Pay $2.1M in Sex Suit, by Chris T. Nguyen, San Bernardino County Sun (6/30/03)

When Ball failed to show up for the scheduled start of his trial, the judge presided over a one-day hearing, heard testimony from the victims, and awarded $23M total to two brothers. A $4.2M settlement between the brothers, the diocese, and the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart had been announced 6/30/03. Ball pled guilty to abusing the brothers in 1999.

11/24/03 Rev. Robert Freitas Oakland CA • Ex-Priest Pleads Guilty to Sex Charge, by Yomi S. Wronge, San Jose Mercury News (12/7/02)

• Calif. Priest, Victim Agree to $16 Million Settlement in Molestation Case, by Terence Chea, Associated Press (11/25/03)

• Former Priest, Diocese Settle Abuse Suit, by Robert Airoldi, Oakland Tribune (11/25/03)

• Diocese, Priest Agree to Pay Man in Abuse Case, by Dana Hull, San Jose Mercury News (11/26/03)

• Priest Owes Molestation Victim Millions, KGO (10/28/04) After two weeks of trial and just before former bishop Cummins was scheduled to testify, the diocese settled with the plaintiff for $1M plus $50K for counseling. Freitas agreed to pay the plaintiff $16M. On 12/6/02 Freitas had pled guilty to abusing the plaintiff. Part of the law used to prosecute Freitas was judged unconstitutional in the 2003 Stogner decision.

3/24/05 Rev. Joseph Pritchard Oakland CA • Jury Awards Victim $437,000 from San Jose Priest's Sex Abuse, by Lisa Leff,

Associated Press (3/25/05)

The San Francisco archdiocese was ordered by a jury to pay $437K to the plaintiff.
4/15/05 Rev. Robert Ponciroli Oakland CA • Update: Jury Finds Oakland Diocese Negligent in Sexual Abuse Case, KPIX (4/15/05) A jury awarded two brothers a total of $1.93 million in compensatory and punitive damages. One brother was awarded $875,000 in compensatory and $875,000 in punitive damages, and the other brother was awarded $180,000 in compensatory damages.

4/20/05 Rev. Joseph Pritchard Oakland CA $6 Million Verdict for 4 Victims in Church Trial,

by Bob Egelko, San Francisco Chronicle (4/21/05) The jury awarded a total of $5.954M to four victims: $1.58M to John Salberg; $1.581M to Kenneth Archambault; $1.323M to John Doe; and $1.47M to Jane Doe.

5/9/05 Rev. James Janssen

Davenport IA • Jury Awards Janssen Nephew $1.9M, by Todd Ruger , Quad-City Times (5/9/05) An 8-member jury unanimously awarded the plaintiff $632K in punitive damages and $1.26M in other damages, for a total of $1,892,000.

10/7/05 Rev. Gerald Vosen Madison WI • Priest's Accuser Tearful on Stand, by Mike DuPre, Janesville Gazette (8/3/05)

• Case Report for Gerald Vosen v. John Doe (10/7/05) Jury found for the defendant in a defamation suit brought by the accused priest.

9/18/06 Msgr. Thomas J. Feeney Davenport IA • Diocese Must Pay $1.5M to Abuse Victim, by Dustin Lemmon, Quad-City Times (9/19/06) A jury awarded the plaintiff $1,536,800, more than double the $744,000 requested in closing arguments.

12/20/06 Rev. Edward Swearingen

Fresno CA • Priest Molest Civil Case Ends in Mistrial, by Pablo Lopez, Fresno Bee (12/21/06)

• Priest's Case to Be Settled: Abuse Trial That Ended in Toss-Up to Go into Private Binding Arbitration, by Chris Collins, Fresno Bee (5/5/07) The jury voted 9-3 that Swearingen molested the plaintiff, but the judge declared a mistrial when the jury voted by only 7-5 to clear the diocese of wrongdoing. On 5/4/07 private binding arbitration was agreed to, instead of a second trial.

3/30/07 Rev. Edward J. Smith

Wilmington DE/MD • Archmere Grad Gets $41 Million in Abuse Suit, by Beth Miller, News Journal (3/31/07) The jury awarded $41M to the plaintiff, $6 million in compensatory damages and $35 million in punitive damages. Smith is the sole defendant, but the plaintiff hopes to bring the school and the diocese back into the case.

5/16/07 Rev. Michael Sprauer

Portland OR • Jury Rules Priest Sexually Abused 2 Boys, by Alan Gustafson, Statesman Journal (5/17/07) The jury awarded $695K to one plaintiff and $690K to another, for a total of $1,385,000. Sprauer was cleared of accusations that he abused a third man.
5/18/07 Matthew Maiello, youth minister Rockville Centre NY • 2 Raped by Minister Are Awarded $11.45 Million, by Bruce Lambert, NY Times (5/19/07)

The jury awarded the two plaintiffs $11.45M: $2.5 million to each victim for injuries and suffering to date, as well as $250,000 annually to the woman for the next 12 years, and $115,000 annually to the young man for the next 30 years. Her total would be $5.5 million, and his would be $5.95 million. The jury attributed 70 percent of the blame to Maiello, who did not contest the suit and has few assets. Maiello pled guilty in 2003 to raping and sodomizing four minors, including the two who sued. He served two years in prison.

6/25/07 Rev. Alfred Willis

Burlington VT • Church Child Molestation Case Goes to Trial Today, by Sam Hemingway,
Burlington Free Press (6/20/07)
Judge declared a mistrial because of the questions diocesan attorneys posed to the plaintiff.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army and St. Josemaria's Army

See the John Paul II Millstone for details.

Love and marriage
Love and marriage
Goes together
Like a horse and carriage

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

John Paul II Pedophile Priests to face landmark Delaware child abuse bill, 41-0

John Paul II and his clones Benedict XVI, those Cardinals and Bishops and devout Catholics wasting their money on John Paul II relics will choke on this bill voted: 41-0 at the Delaware House. It may take small states like Delaware to change slowly-but-surely the statutes of limitation, but it will come. This is a domino of the fall-of-dominos that will reach the Vatican - where the Temple of Solomon will be reenacted "and not one stone will be left standing" as Christ said because John Paul II worshipped in altars of pedophilia surrounded by his army the JPIIPPA John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army and Benedict XVI and his handsome secretary... - Benedict XVI, God's Rottweiler - The John Paul II Millstone

House passes landmark child abuse bill, 41-0

Minor amendment sends S.B. 29 back to Senate; easy confirmation expected

By BETH MILLER, The News Journal
Posted Wednesday, June 20, 2007

DOVER -- Delaware's House of Representatives passed what one law professor called "the strongest bill for child sexual abuse victims in the country" by a 41-0 vote Tuesday.

Senate Bill 29 eliminates the two-year civil statute of limitations in cases of child sexual abuse. It also provides a two-year window during which claims previously barred by statute could be filed -- opening the courthouse door to victims unable to seek justice because the statute of limitations had expired. Institutions that allowed the abuse to occur through gross negligence also could be sued.

The bill passed by unanimous vote when it was introduced in the Senate by its prime sponsor, Sen. Karen Peterson, D-Stanton (who received a standing ovation).

Lawmakers noted in the bill it would cost the state a maximum of $200,000, or possibly, nothing.

It would go to the governor's desk but for a minor amendment attached Tuesday night by co-sponsor Rep. Deborah Hudson, R-Hockessin. That amendment, passed unanimously, simply says the law takes effect when the money is appropriated.

Peterson said she hoped the Senate would suspend its rules to vote on the amended bill today. She believes it will pass easily there.

An amendment that would have removed the state's sovereign immunity protection from lawsuits in such cases, introduced by Rep. Greg Lavelle, R-Sharpley, was defeated after lengthy debate by a vote of 24-17.

Lavelle showed photographs of his two children and urged lawmakers to make the law apply equally to private and public institutions. "Let us stand for all victims," Lavelle said.

But Rep. Peter Schwartzkopf, D-Rehoboth, who had promised Lavelle he would vote for the amendment, saw a political problem emerging as the debate continued Tuesday. He believed the amendment would produce another lengthy debate in the Senate and probably kill any chance of changing the law before the session expired June 30.

"We're talking about two separate major, major issues," Schwartzkopf said.

Separate bill to be pushed

Lavelle said he would introduce legislation to remove sovereign immunity in such cases, and Schwartzkopf promised to support that bill instead.

"Now we've had the debate," Lavelle said. "If we stand for all children, I will file that bill Thursday, and let's do what we need to do for all children."

Among the people who spoke about the bill Tuesday were Robert Quill, 52, of Marathon, Fla., who said he was sexually abused by the Rev. Francis G. DeLuca starting when he was 13 years old. Quill grew up in the St. Elizabeth parish and graduated from St. Elizabeth High School.

DeLuca, now 77, is facing criminal charges in Syracuse, N.Y., where police say he abused a teen there over a period of five years. DeLuca served in parishes in the Diocese of Wilmington until similar allegations arose here and he was allowed to retire to Syracuse in 1993.

"The priest who sexually abused me is a prime example, perhaps the touchstone, of why this legislation is necessary," Quill said.

Diocesan spokesman Robert Krebs would not comment on the bill passage Tuesday night.

Pastor in favor

The Rev. Richard Reissmann, pastor of St. John the Baptist-Holy Angels parish in Newark, was delighted.

"This is the best thing in the world for the children of this state," Reissmann said. "This will drive the predators out."

Lawmakers also heard from plenty of lawyers Tuesday night, including Mark Sargent, dean and professor of law at Villanova University, who urged lawmakers to amend the bill, striking the two-year window during which old cases could be revived and leaving in place some limitation for filing lawsuits in the future. Sargent said the bill was "well-intentioned," but would "undermine the administration of justice and constitute bad public policy."

But Marci Hamilton, constitutional law professor at Yeshiva University's Cardozo School of Law in New York, strongly disagreed. Hamilton has represented plaintiffs in many cases of clergy abuse, especially on the West Coast, where California lawmakers in 2003 passed a one-year window during which old cases could be revived. More than 1,000 lawsuits were filed.

"This is twice as long," Hamilton said, "and it makes sense. A lot of victims didn't come forward in California. This will be the strongest bill for child sexual abuse victims in the country."

Standing ovation

Peterson, the bill's main sponsor, got a standing ovation from supporters of the bill as soon as she appeared in the House chamber Tuesday.

"This has been a long, hard battle," she said. "The diocese did everything in its power to sabotage and undermine this bill."

Hudson was jubilant.

"We now have a child victims act which matches Delaware's strong criminal code," she said. State lawmakers removed the criminal statute of limitations for child sexual abuse several years ago. "Delaware now is the leading state for fighting child abuse."

But John Sullivan, a co-founder of the Coastal Delmarva chapter of the lay Catholic group Voice of the Faithful, said the battle isn't quite over for those who support the change in the law.

"When the governor signs it, the battle will be done," he said.

Contact Beth Miller at 324-2784 or

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

John Paul II Pedophile Priests personnel files must be released: California judge rules

So, punch one on Cardinal Mahony's face - he did not win his fight for absolute secrecy in this first round at the County Superior Court in Los Angeles.

Court allows release of clergy personnel files

The ruling states that protecting children from abuse outweighs a priest's right to privacy

By John Spano and Greg Krikorian,
LA Times Staff Writers
June 19, 2007,1,7242689.story?coll=la-headlines-pe-california&ctrack=1&cset=true

A judge ruled Monday that confidential personnel files on Roman Catholic clergy accused of molesting children can be made public even if the clerics were never charged with a crime and legal claims against them were not proven.

"The rights of privacy must give way to the state's interest in protecting its children from sexual abuse," Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Peter D. Lichtman said in his 22-page ruling.

The decision concerns a small number of Franciscan friars, who will have an opportunity to object to disclosure of specific documents before the files are opened.

Nevertheless, the ruling could have dramatic ramifications on more than 500 legal claims pending against the Los Angeles Archdiocese, which is accused of failing to protect parishioners from sexual victimization over the last 60 years.

In Los Angeles, lawyers spent years trying to negotiate a settlement, estimated to be as much as $1 billion, without success. The first trials are set to begin in July.

Now, the church is also facing possible disclosure of how it handled abuse complaints.

"I think it's very significant," John C. Manly, an attorney who represents plaintiffs in Los Angeles and Orange counties, said of Lichtman's ruling.

"This sends a message … that if you engage in the concealment of child sexual abuses, you will not only pay for your misdeeds but the public at large will be able to see what you did," Manly said.

J. Michael Hennigan, lawyer for Cardinal Roger M. Mahony and the L.A. Archdiocese, declined to comment, saying he had not seen the ruling. Donald Steier, who represents many accused priests in Los Angeles, also declined comment.

Robert G. Howie, an attorney for the friars, said the ruling misinterpreted California law on privacy rights, which he said were stronger than in other states.

"You've got officials in Washington who want to do everything they can do to prevent another 9/11. Does that mean they can conduct wiretaps whenever they want to?" Howie asked.

But 1st Amendment lawyers praised the judge's decision.

"The court properly balanced the constitutional right to privacy against the right of the public to protect its children and safeguard itself against future harm, and it found that the public's right to know overwhelmingly won out," said Tom Newton, general counsel for the California Newspaper Publishers Assn.

The ruling came in the cases of 10 current and former Franciscans who were accused of fondling, masturbating, orally copulating and sodomizing boys and girls for 30 years starting in the 1950s.

Most of the allegations arose at St. Anthony's Seminary in Santa Barbara, which closed in 1987.

The church in March 2006 agreed to pay more than $28 million to 25 accusers. The victims asked Lichtman to release the files.

Lawyers for the Franciscan friars objected, contending that because the claims had been settled, Lichtman had no authority to order the files opened. In 2005, Lichtman released more than 10,000 pages from the personnel files of 15 priests and teachers as part of a court-approved $100-million settlement between the Diocese of Orange and 90 alleged molestation victims.

But the judge said at the time that he was "powerless" to pry open files on eight other priests and teachers who objected because the lawsuits had been settled.

On Monday, however, in a 22-page ruling, Lichtman stated flatly that California's "compelling interest in protecting children from harm is present regardless of the stage of the litigation."

"To answer any of the above questions in the affirmative would be to punish the alleged victims for seeking an early resolution of the cases and needlessly prolong matters through trial," Lichtman ruled. "It would provide the alleged perpetrators and enablers with a safe haven for settlement. The defendants' conduct would be forever hidden and safe from scrutiny."

Lichtman noted that all of the priests whose dossiers were in question had admitted abuse or "show[n] dangerous propensities toward youth."

Lichtman cited Franklyn Becker, a friar accused of multiple molestations. "In sworn testimony, Becker testified about his attraction to boys, his interest in the Man-Boy Love Association, his leanings toward being attracted to post pubescent boys, and that he gave names of people to the Archdiocese that might come forward with allegations," Lichtman wrote.

Lichtman also said that, according to sworn testimony provided by the plaintiffs, Santa Barbara had one of the highest per-capita concentrations of clergy pedophiles in the history of clergy abuse cases in the United States, with 41 clergy accused of assaulting 76 children.

The opinion gives victims "a tremendously strong argument, thanks to Judge Lichtman," said Timothy C. Hale, who argued the case for the accusers of the Franciscans.

"Often, it comes down to one simple choice: do we safeguard the reputations of one powerful adult or the well-being of many powerless kids," said David Clohessy, national director of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests. "The judge made the right call."

Copyright © 2007 Los Angeles Times


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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army abused more than 10,000 Children in USA


"In recent decades, more than 10,000 children were reportedly sexually abused by Catholic priests in the United States.

In "Hand of God," film maker Joe Cultrera explores just one of those cases, that of his own brother Paul. Paul Cultrera was molested in the 1960s by Father Joseph Birmingham, who allegedly abused nearly 100 other children. "Hand of God" tells the story of faith betrayed, and how Paul and the rest of the Cultrera family fought back against a scandal that continues to afflict scores of churches across the country."


Paul Cultrera and his siblings were raised in an Italian-Catholic family in Salem, Mass., and attended Catholic school from kindergarten through high school. From an early age they were immersed in the beliefs and teachings of the Catholic Church.

"I was inspired by my brother's strength of spirit in surviving his abuse," says Joe Cultrera. "His story was unlike any I had seen in the media. I thought a detailed film about his and my family's experience would prove healing and freeing for others."

"There was the Catholic Church, and everything else was hell," Paul recalls. "Everyone beyond the bounds of the Catholic Church was doomed. Everything was presented to you in terms of sin."

At 14, Paul, an altar boy at St. James Parish, came under the guidance of Fr. Birmingham. Birmingham was young and friendly, often taking the boys on trips and inviting them to the rectory for Friday and Saturday night pizza parties. It was during confession that Paul's relationship with Fr. Birmingham changed. Confessing to masturbation led to private "counseling" sessions at the rectory, where Paul was sexually abused. Birmingham also abused him during nighttime rides in Birmingham's black Ford Galaxie and on trips out of town.

"When you're totally wrapped up in the environment of sin and guilt, you internalize it yourself. At least I did. I decided it was my fault. It was something the matter with me," says Paul. "You think you've done something really bad. So you become very adept at drawing a huge circle around that part of your life."

Paul would keep his secret for nearly 30 years, until he decided to finally confront the Church and launch his own investigation into whether the Archdiocese of Boston had covered up allegations against Birmingham by moving the priest from parish to parish, thereby placing more children in danger.

He began to place advertisements in the newspapers of the various towns where Birmingham had been posted. The advertisements asked the simple question, "Do You Remember Father Birmingham?" The dozens of responses he received were his first indication that he was certainly not Birmingham's only victim.

A homegrown detective story, the film follows Birmingham's trail and the cover-up instituted by his superiors. But balancing faith against outrage, the Cultrera family survive it all with their humanity and humor intact.

"The film created an opportunity for my family to deal with these issues in a very intimate way," says Joe. "We have emerged as a more understanding unit. One of my hopes is that the film will inspire other families to talk."

Abuse Scandal Still Echoes Through Catholic Church
by Rachel Martin 1/11/07

"Five years ago this month, The Boston Globe published a series of reports exposing widespread allegations of sex abuse by clergy in Boston and efforts by the Catholic Church hierarchy to cover it up. According to the Globe, 130 people claimed to have been sexually abused by Father John Geoghan, and church officials had known about the abuse and covered it up. The scandal triggered a chain reaction. Thousands of victims of clergy sex abuse around the country went public and filed suit, creating a scandal that rocked American Catholicism and has cost the Catholic Church more than $1 billion."

Archdiocese outlines $75 million settlement - Sex abuse - The Portland church plans to pay more than 150 accusers as it exits bankruptcy, a filing shows 12/19/06 Ashbel S. Green "The Archdiocese of Portland late Monday revealed details of a $75 million plan to pay off more than 150 priest sex-abuse accusers and get out of bankruptcy."

Double Murder by Sexually Abusive Priest Gives Rise to New Wrongful Death Lawsuit 12/12/06 "Young Victim's Parents Reluctantly Take Legal Action Against Superior Catholic Diocese Confronted About Child Molestation, Cleric Shot Two Men and Years Later, Hung Himself - Church Officials Knew of His Crimes & Bizarre Behavior But Didn't Act, Suit Says Victim's Family Sets Up Non-profit Child Protection Foundation St. Paul, Minn., Dec. 12 /PRNewswire/ -- A Wisconsin couple whose son was murdered by a bizarre and sexually abusive Catholic priest is "reluctantly" filing a wrongful death lawsuit against the Superior Diocese that ordained and hired the cleric. Carsten and Sally Ellison of Barron, Wisconsin, filed a civil lawsuit today in St. Croix County Court, Wisconsin, Court File No. 06CV938 assigned to Judge Lundell seeking unspecified damages for the loss of their 22-year-old son, James Ellison. He and Daniel O'Connell were shot and killed at the O'Connell Family Funeral Home in Hudson by Fr. Ryan Erickson in February 2002. Days earlier, O'Connell had apparently confronted Erickson, his parish priest, about allegations that Erickson was molesting local children."

Judges approve residential school deal

"Judges across Canada are giving their approval to a settlement plan worth up to $5 billion with former students of Indian residential schools....Over the past two decades, there have been more than 12,000 lawsuits launched against the federal government and churches alleging sexual, physical and other kinds of abuse."

Abuse victims get $2.9M - 117 claims paid so far; more coming every day

By Jim Hannah Enquirer Staff Writer - Burlington 12/9/06

"Almost $3 million has been paid to people abused by Covington Diocese priests as part of a settlement reached last year. That's the figure contained in a report dated Dec. 6 and filed with the Boone Circuit Court Clerk's Office. The report, the sixth that has been submitted since the settlement was reached, states that 117 claims have been decided and that 13 claims were pending. Additional claims are being processed almost every day. As many as 350 people could be eligible to submit a claim, according to previous court records."

Spokane Diocese agrees to pay at least $48 million to settle clergy abuse
By Janet Tu 1/4/07

"The Spokane Roman Catholic Diocese has agreed to pay at least $48 million to victims of clergy sexual abuse to settle its long-running bankruptcy case."

Pair Allege Sex Abuse at Boys' Ranch
By Benjamin Shors The Spokesman-Review [Washington] 1/4/07
"Two former residents of Morning Star Boys' Ranch allege they were sexually abused at the home for boys in the 1970s, according to documents filed in Spokane County Superior Court. Steven Kinard, 47, and Stephanie Miller, 37, are among 10 people who have active claims against the home, which is located just south of Spokane."

Quebec to give about 1,700 abused Duplessis Orphans a total of $26 million
- 12/21/06 Peter Rakobowchuk - Montreal (CP)

"Saying it's time to turn the page, the Quebec government has set aside $26 million to compensate the last group of so-called Duplessis Orphans. Many of them were the children of unwed mothers who were physically and mentally abused in Roman Catholic Church-run institutions in the 1940s and '50s....A group of about 1,100 other orphans settled with the government in 2001 for about $25 million for wrongfully placing them in mental institutions. That offer, based on a flat $10,000 to each individual plus $1,000 for each year they were wrongfully confined, worked out to about $25,000 per orphan. Many of the orphans say they suffered beatings, sexual abuse, electroshock and even lobotomies."

Saturday, June 09, 2007

John Paul II Pedophile Church kick out Survivors of Clergy Abuse


Cardinal Bernard Law presides Corpus Christi at St. Mary Maggiore -- this Cardinal should be in jail - for covering-up notorious pedophile priests in Boston.

Benedict XVI in Tsar style -- he should be in jail for covering-up pedophile priests for over a quarter of a century with John Paul II.

See Google video of documentary of how he did the cover-up in "Criminen Sollicitationis"

While Benedict XVI and Cardinal Bernard Law celebrate Corpus Christi in the splendid surroundings of the Vatican and St. Mary Maggiore, these poor victims of clergy abuse in New Jersey are kicked out from a parish where they had a venue to hold meetings as Survivors of those abused by Priests. Like in the times of the Tsars of Russia and the Royal Families of France, Benedict and the Cardinals and Bishops are living royal lives in Rome and in their Bishop Palaces and therefore are de-sensitized from the lives of ordinary laity and their sufferings such as these. Didn't Christ say: "Foxes have dens but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head". But the Vicar of Christ and his clones got palaces to lay their heads and act out pompous ceremonies. Most of all they do not want to hear of the clergy sexual abuse amidst their gilded palaces.

Benedict especially who lives with his handsome personal secretary and handsome Swiss Guards, all more than 30 years younger than him, couldn't care less about survivors problems. The Italian Gay community has publicly called them gay - see June 3


New Jersey

SNAP Press Release
Giving Voice to Victims

For Immediate Release:
June 8, 2007

For More Information:
Contact: Patricia Serrano, cell (201) 715-6510
Mark Crawford, cell (732) 632-7687
Mark Serrano (abused at St. Joseph’s Parish), cell (703) 727-4940



Mendham, NJ– Today the New Jersey chapter of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests ( was informed through a letter from Mendham, New Jersey pastor Monsignor Joseph Anginoli that after five years of hosting a support group for victims of clergy sexual abuse, many of whom were abused at the very same parish, the church is kicking them out for good.

While the letter, a copy of which is found below, stated that the reason for the removal was a lack of space because of new programs being offered at the church, advocates for clergy abuse survivors, including a local parishioner of 42 years, called foul.

Patricia Serrano, the Family Outreach Coordinator for SNAP New Jersey and the founder of a parish-based support group called Healing Our Survivors Together, explained, “Clergy sexual abuse ran rampant through my parish for ten years and silently claimed at least 25 known victims. In 2002, local parishioners welcomed us into their home to begin the healing process. It is sad that Bishop Serratelli and the current St. Joe’s pastor have not joined us on that healing journey and are now turning us away. Many of the survivors we have served in the past five years even sought us out as a step to reunite with the church. There is ample space for us to conduct our monthly support group meetings at St. Joe’s parish and parochial school. Inexplicably, we have been put out in the street and must begin the process of seeking a new home to meet and heal.”

Mark Crawford, the Co-Director of SNAP New Jersey, also commented: “Ironically it is this same parish that was transformed in 2002 from a serial child molester’s hunting ground to a healing center. If Bishop Serratelli truly supported survivors of clergy sexual abuse, this eviction notice would have never been served.”

In 2002 the parish was a central focus for the disclosure of the clergy sexual abuse scandals in the Catholic Church, as numerous victims of the former pastor, Father James T. Hanley, came forward and faced former Bishop Frank Rodimer in a first-ever confrontation between victims and a bishop. The meeting was the subject of news stories throughout the region. In 2004 the same abuse survivors united again to dedicate the “Millstone Memorial" located on the grounds of St. Joseph’s Parish in Mendham, New Jersey.


Millstone Memorial

No one knows whether James Kelly's suicide last October in front of an NJ Transit train in Morristown, stemmed from the childhood sexual abuse he endured by a Mendham, priest or from other personal problems.

Still, while gathered after his funeral on the grounds of St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church in Mendham - where the abuse occurred more than two decades ago - people who were abused by the same priest discussed naming their support group chapter after Kelly, a 37-year-old telecommunications salesman from Morristown who recently had been laid off.

"We were just kind of having an open table discussion," recalled Bill Crane, who, like Kelly, was sexually abused by the former Rev. James Hanley. "And it dawned on me that something really needs to take place that is tangible, to bring to light the seriousness of what we endured as children, so it won't be forgotten."

Crane suggested erecting a small monument and received approval from the group and the church's pastor, the Rev. Kenneth Lasch. When dedicated in April outside the church's Pax Christi Center, the 400-pound basalt monument - shaped like a millstone - will evoke a biblical saying that is meaningful to Christians who were sexually abused as children.

In the passage, from the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus addresses those who would harm children, saying, "It would be better for you if a great millstone were fastened around your neck and you were drowned in the depth of the sea."

The monument apparently would be the only one to victims of the clergy sex abuse crisis in the country at a church, and Lasch said it could help victims feel the church will not forget what happened to them there.

"I'm very interested in the notion of having a tribute," said Lasch, who has been praised by Hanley's victims for an attitude they say is an antidote to negative experiences with many other clergy. "The millstone is symbolic of the burden they have carried because of sexual abuse. It also stands as a warning to anyone who would hurt children."

The monument - sculpted by Mark McLean, a Portland, Ore., artist engaged by Crane - measures about 2 feet by 2 feet and seems more like a marker than a monument, Lasch said. Individual donations will cover the approximately $5,000 cost of the project, and a local landscaper has offered to prepare church grounds for the monument free of charge, Lasch said. For all the good feelings that talk of the monument has inspired among victims and their supporters at St. Joseph's, a low-key debate has arisen over an inscription for an accompanying plaque.

To read the rest of the article:

Friday, June 08, 2007

John Paul II Pedophile Priest Daniel McCormack of Chicago -- Principal fired for criticzing Chicago Archdiocese

SNAP Press Release
Giving Voice to Victims

For Immediate Release:
June 8, 2007

For More Information:
Barbara Blaine of Chicago, SNAP President 312 399 4747
David Clohessy of St. Louis SNAP National Director 314 566 9790 cell, 314 645 5915
Barbara Dorris of St. Louis, SNAP Outreach Director 314 862 7688

Sex Abuse Victims To Hold Vigil Backing Fired Catholic Principal

Woman Who Spoke of Crimes Is Off Payroll; Man Who Committed Crimes Is Not

Cardinal Forces Her To Leave School But Won’t Force Him Into Treatment Center

For 1.5 Years, Criminal & Civil Charges Have Been Pending Against Fr. McCormack

Yet He’s Still Not Mentioned On Archdiocesan Website’s List of “Credibly Accused”

And Not One Complicit Church Employee Has Been Disciplined For Cover Up, Even Now

SNAP Says Others Who Were Hurt by Molesters Or Witnessed Abuse Should Speak Up

The day after a whistleblower Catholic principal was fired for criticizing Chicago’s cardinal, Catholics and clergy molestation victims will hold a half hour vigil to remember and honor

-- all current and former church members and employees who’ve quit or been fired for speaking out about clergy sex crimes and cover ups, and

-- all children who’ve been victimized by Chicago clerics, especially by Fr. Daniel McCormack

Friday, June 8, 1:30 p.m.

Outside St Agatha's Catholic Church, 3147 W. Douglas Blvd in Chicago (773) 522-1354

A few child sex abuse victims who are members of a support group called SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (, a few Chicago Catholics, and one or two parents of kids who attend the school where Fr. McCormack molested children.

The group will hold childhood photos and two posters comparing and contrasting the principal (“reported crimes, is off the church payroll”) the predator priest (“committed crimes, still on the church payroll”).

Yesterday, Barbara Westrick, an educator for 37 years, was ousted from her job as principal of Our Lady of the Westside Catholic School. She and many observers are convinced the move is retaliation for her honest public comments about the deception archdiocesan mishandling of the Fr. Daniel McCormack case.

Almost a year and a half ago, McCormack was criminally charged and civilly sued for molesting several boys. Chicago’s Catholic community was roiled by revelations that church officials refused to suspend McCormack from active ministry despite a) his being arrested, b) multiple abuse reports and c) church documents showing that McCormack had been repeatedly accused of abuse for years.

Despite a damaging internal church probe that showed the “failure of various archdiocesan departments,” not a single church employee has been disciplined or even censured for their role or secrecy in the McCormack case.

Most of the group wants Cardinal Francis George to

-- discipline even one of the church officials who enabled McCormack to keep molesting,

-- force McCormack to live in a secure treatment center (instead of with relatives), and

-- list McCormack on his archdiocesan list of ‘credibly accused’ child molesting clerics.

(Even now, one year later, McCormack is not listed on the archdiocese’s list of ‘substantiated sex abuse allegations’ against priests)

SNAP urges anyone who suspected, witnessed or experienced abuse by clerics to come forward.

McCormack, 42, was ordained in 1994 and worked at St. Alibe church, St. Joseph Seminary (formerly Niles College)and Holy Family church.


See news video

Principal who criticized archdiocese fired By Karen Jordan
June 7, 2007 - A Catholic school principal who spoke out against the Chicago archdiocese's handling of a priest abuse case has been fired from her job.

Barbara Westrick was dismissed Thursday as head of Our Lady of the Westside School.
Father Daniel McCormack is accused of fondling boys at that school and its parish, St. Agatha's on Chicago's West Side. Westrick said she did not heed the warnings about repercussions for criticizing the Chicago archdiocese in the way it handled the Father Daniel McCormack alleged abuse scandal. A few months ago, a deadline to renew her contract passed and no action was taken.

She said there was no question that the Archdiocese was waiting for the right time to fire her.

"I just gave up my keys and I haven't said goodbye to my staff because I'm not supposed to come back," Westrick said.

Westrick said she knew the end was near and it became official Thursday. The archdiocese delivered the news that afternoon in a closed door meeting with Westrick and her attorney.

"The Cardinal is angry with me because I am the one who blew the whistle on the McCormack thing," Westrick said.

Westrick said the job termination is payback for criticizing Francis Cardinal George for letting McCormack stay at the school after he was arrested in August of 2005 and accused of molesting a young male student.

Westrick said she found out about the alleged abuse when a boy at the school told her in January of 2006 that McCormack molested him.

"The Cardinal allowed him to abuse them from September to December because he wouldn't take them out of the parish," Westrick said.

Westrick says she reported the alleged abuse to the Archdiocese and the police. Father McCormack was charged with several counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse.

She also criticized the archdiocese and the Cardinal about the situation and said that is why the school's new priest didn't renew her contract.

Father Larry Dowling said the termination was not payback but the result of an extensive review of her abilities.

"She was terminated based on my evaluation of her," Dowling said.

Westrick was principal for four years and left Thursday with only a picture as a reminder of the 200 students she will leave behind.

She said she is not sorry for speaking out about a situation that she felt was harmful to her students.

"I would do it again," Westrick said. "I would do it a hundred times again because these kid are not throwaways."

Father Dowling did not list the reasons he had for terminating Westrick. He said that the archdiocese does not discuss personnel matters.

Westrick and her attorney will review the termination letter and determine whether any legal action will be taken.

Meanwhile, Father McCormack will appear in court again on July 2.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

JPIIPPA John Paul II Franciscan child molester

Here is another face of a foot soldier of the John Paul II Pedophile Priest Army.

Therapist faced scrutiny as priest
Jailed counselor left Franciscans

Taryn Brodwater
Staff writer
June 5, 2007

The conduct of a school therapist and former Catholic priest charged with molesting two teenage boys he counseled was called into question years before his arrest last week in Bonner County.

Louis Ladenburger underwent treatment twice in the 1980s for "inappropriate professional behavior and relationships," according to the provincial headquarters of the Franciscan Friars in Oakland, Calif.

The Rev. Melvin Jurisich, provincial minister, said none of the allegations made against Ladenburger while he was a priest involved children or teens. Instead, Jurisich said, concerns were raised by an adult female who reportedly reconciled with Ladenburger.

Still, the allegations of misconduct drew the attention of the province's Independent Response Team, a committee formed by the Franciscans to address allegations of abuse by their members. The committee ordered Ladenburger to undergo psychological review in 1993 . He was told afterward that "his ministry would be severely restricted if not totally removed" and he would be supervised by the Independent Response Team.

"He refused this option and asked for a leave of absence to consider whether he wished to remain in the order and the priesthood," according to a statement from the Franciscan Friars.

Ladenburger left the priesthood in March 1996.

Jurisich said Ladenburger was ordained a Franciscan priest in 1963 and had a variety of assignments in his 30-year career, including one in Spokane and others in Washington and Oregon.

Dates and precise locations of where Ladenburger served were not immediately available, Jurisich said, noting that much of the information is probably in archives.

Places where Ladenburger served, however, will be notified of the criminal charges against him, he said.

Ladenburger, 70, remained in the Bonner County Jail on Monday. He is charged with three felony counts of sexual battery with a minor while working at Elk Mountain Academy in Clark Fork, Idaho. Ladenburger was hired as a mental health therapist in September.

Investigators allege he molested two boys, ages 16 and 17, earlier this spring. Both attended Elk Mountain, which serves troubled teenage boys. About 23 students attend the school.

School Director Tina Stevens said Ladenburger was licensed as a marriage/family therapist and a chemical dependency therapist. He passed background checks by the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare prior to his hiring, Stevens said.

The school fired Ladenburger on May 5 when officials learned of the allegations of sexual abuse.

John Paul II Arizona priest arrested in Spain on sex abuse charges

The JPIIPPA John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army keep marching on. The "Great" Pope John Paul II sure did leave some legacy: his thousands of "holy" speeches and writings are matched by his thousands of pedophile priests whom he covered-up for more than quarter of a century!

07:40 PM MST on Monday, June 4, 2007

By Alicia Barrón, Fox 11 News

A former Arizona member of the clergy has been detained by authorities in Spain.

A news release from Attorney General Terry Goddard indicates the Spanish National Police arrested Father Jorge Washington Cordova Hernandez June 3 in Guadarrama, Spain near Madrid.

Cordova, 51, was assigned to St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Yuma, part of the Tucson Catholic Diocese, where he remained from 1988 to 1991. In 2005 he was accused of sexually abusing two minors during his time in Yuma and was indicted on 10 counts of sexual abuse.

According to the news release, authorities obtained a warrant for Cordova’s arrest but he fled to Ecuador to his home diocese.

The Arizona Attorney General’s Office proceeded to file a provisional arrest warrant with Spanish Police on behalf of the Yuma County Attorney’s Office after receiving information on the priest’s whereabouts.

Cordova was arrested when he came out of a seminar where he was presenting at the Fray Luis of Leon cultural residential complex. He was under the impression he was to do a local television interview.

The suspect will be in custody of the Spanish National Police until completion of the extradition process.

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